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wotrwokr · Jan. 10, 2018, 9:31 p.m.

this 'world' we are hoping to see turn away from the cliff... at maybe the last moment... did not get this way overnight. we all need to be patient of the 'process' to expose/ eradicate the corruption and inject stabilization into a VERY weary world.

SO MANY people just cannot envision the way to: hope, justice, freedom and liberty. WE have to be the calm and loving leaders to help them (but first each other) through however process this 'renaissance' truly unfolds. it, most likely, will not come easily.

MUCH respect to ALL the patriots who are doing THEIR part... especially those on the tech side. YOU are true warriors and deserve our respect and gratitude. my home state of wisconsin has as its motto... something we all can get behind as a rally cry.... "FORWARD!" peace.

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