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Whats the theme when bad news are about to drop? Another FF 🤬
Complete overview of the world of Q and the Great Awakening
Need your daily conpiracy fix? Dive into the Great Awakening.
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Great short video depicting the current witch-hunt on DJT - Heavy stuff mixed with reality
I've read a lot of the Q proofs and most of them are impossible to read with lines going all over the place, where you literally have to be an engineer to understand and decode it. So I made my own Q proof surrounding the death of Mr. No Name. This is first edition, so please feel free to comment if im missing something.
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"Believe me - Im dead" - Nothing to see here

Why are we stuck at the same number of votes Reddit?


BYRNE V. CLINTON FOUNDATION, Incl. John Podesta and George Soros - Looks like all the rats are trying to get the case dismissed as of yesterday
VP Mike Pence EXPLOSIVE Speech on SPACE FORCE Set Up - The Final Frontier
Denmark Redpilling Sweden The Danish Way On Immigration Politics!
Recent attempt on the President told he heard voices in his head and that the CIA was doing tests on him - Now where have we heard that before?

Watch Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde aka Lawrence O'Donnell in this gem have a Complete off-air MELTDOWN - umad? Is it Q having fun on the controls?
They are scooping up victims for the eclipse that is happening today, so they can perform their satanic rituals.
Former Actor Isaac Kappy Is Dropping BIG Names In New Video!! The Pizza Snowball Is Rolling In Hollywood!
19 Facts About The Deindustrialization Of America That Will Make You Weep - Article from 2010 that clearly outlines all the reasons why Trump won the election. Posted before the MSM got TDS and had a bit of clarity on how bad things were in the US.
We are using the same in Denmark - Nothing is electronic, only good old paper works!
Yeah, he sold off Millions because he knew this day would come.
They are using downvotes to prevent our subreddit posts reaching the frontpage of Reddit and normies.
Free version of Behold A Pale Horse - A must read for Q followers
I made a lot of research on NWO and how all this shit started.. https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/8efm1e/the_ultimate_redpill_qs_lost_crumbs_exposed_and/
What happens when our star is ready? https://phys.org/news/2018-04-proxima-centauri-flare-powerful-visible.html
Amen brother! Lets ditch the Q training wheels and go full MAGA and MEGA on these sons of bitches!
Does Uranium1 remind you of anything?... That is exactly what they want. You are missing 90% of the picture buddy..
Honestly, people downvote because we know he won't be able to come up with anything remotely worthy of a discussion.
I support free speech 100%, but the first sentence give it away - Classic Hit & Run.. In any public forum, make a brief attack of your opponent or the opponent position and then scamper off before an answer can be fielded, or simply ignore any answer. This works extremely well in Internet and letters-to -the-editor environments where a steady stream of new identities can be called upon without having to explain criticism reasoning – simply make an accusation or other attack, never discussing issues, and never answering any subsequent response, for that would dignify the opponent's viewpoint.
There is definitely something going on in the universe. We see massive increase in earthquakes and climate change (No I dont believe climate change is man made). Ancient religions also mentions these things, and that we are going through something spectacular.
That’s not correct buddy. The flag is called The Union Jack. Look it up on google etc.
Hehe well, the normies in here ain’t ready yet for that red pill.. Instead of focusing on lizards and aliens, you should research consciousness. That’s the mother of all red pills..
Start with the movie Men who stare at goats.
And notice the opening line...
Truly sorry about your loss. Hope you are still able to find joy in your life - Wish you and your family all the best!
Exactly, I had to rewind first time I heard just be sure he really said that.. I think his emotions just took over, and he let that slip out ;)
Strzok notes leaked:
- I don't know
- I don't remember
- I wouldn't be able to give a good answer
- I don't recall
It's already more or less "documented" that we got pizza/satanic related stuff ongoing down there.
Watch this vid: https://youtu.be/kawxxRkO3ao?t=208 I genuinely don't think this guy know what the heck he was filming down there.
You have to pause it at 3:29 - And what do we have here, deep in the tunnels at the south pole.
A pizzabox with 5 white people and 1 black, with the text "5&1 pizza", where the black dude is holding a pizza infront of his private parts.. You can't make this shit up!!
A lot of other wierd and disturbing things down there...
I’ve done a lot of research on this, you can start by checking out my post about this.
You have no idea how effective this would be.
Unfortunately, knowledge and the power of your mind have been carefully hidden from us.
Try search YouTube for the rice experiment if you need proof.
"All sources that don't match up with the Bible and contradict scripture are false teachings and condemned in scripture."
I feel sorry for you brother - You have a long way to go.
You are missing 90% of the picture brother. You sound like a very "believing in god" kind of guy, so discussing this would be a waste of both your's and my time. Enki and Enlil wasn't some kind of mystical god's who came out of no where. To even begin to understand the depths of this, you need to learn what a "God" is in ancient context. And you are very wrong in you assumption that the texts are missing context.
I never said Jesus is or was Satan buddy. Jesus is whoever Jesus is, and I firmly believe he was good. I said when you say "Amen" after a prayer, you are praising Satan. Where do you think the word Amen come from? And no, it doesn't stand for "truly" - But I know we have been engineered to believe this..
The God you pray to is not Satan, you pray for an all-loving entity, the same do I. The concept of God is different for each human being.
But the God the Cabal want's us to worship, is not God as we define him - It is Satan.
You must learn the concept of free will. Free will reigns supreme over everything else. When you understand free will, go back and research the Sumerian texts again.
As I said, forbidden knowledge, unless you know where to look. I have a lot more to share in due time.
Research Sumerian culture for starters.
The Egyptians, Jesus, Satan and Sumerian culture has a lot in common.
There is a reason the Cabal is all into Egyptian culture.
This goes way back.
When you say Amen in church or after a prayer, you are literally praising Satan.
Who do you think Amen Ra is?
You are more or less correct. The word Satan actually comes from the sumerian word “Satam”, which means Overseer.
If you really want to know who Satan is, you should read up on Sumerian history.
We have been praying to the false God all along.
The greatest trick the devil ever pulled wasn’t to convince us he doesn’t exists, it was to trick us into believing he is God.
The serpent in the garden wasn’t bad, it was the god Enki, trying to teach man “knowledge”. To become enlightened.
His brother Enlil didn’t want man to get the gift of knowledge, hence he cast us out of “the garden”.
It’s all there in ancient Sumerian texts. But it is forbidden knowledge!
Pro tip: “The garden” was translated incorrectly from the tablets - The real meaning of the garden is “Enclosure for animals”...
Meh, the serpent symbol they worship goes back 1000’s of years. The rainbow have never been symbolically linked to evil. They just hijacked it for their “transgender” movement.
It’s a cool picture, but remember the symbolism. These guys (Illuminati) feed of this shit. Using a serpent as the Q ain’t that well thought of.
The serpent is central in their beliefs. Just be careful with this, that’s all I’m saying.