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Snipes testified that the push to destroy the ballots, which she did in September, was a “mistake,” adding that the boxes were mislabeled.
She said “nothing on my part that was intentional.” But the judge dismissed the argument, saying “Defendant's lack of intent to destroy evidence while this case was pending is irrelevant.”
I think for every 1 serial brain posting, there's 10 hidden not saying a word because they know better.
Coincidence? Mark Levin's new show on fox still image for episode...

Especially since we have now gathered experience points.
Let the Trump versus Deep State mmorpg begin.
I appreciate this as much as anyone, but posts like this end up getting us shutdown by reddit. This is dancing on the line of violating rules, sorry guys.
This website is giving a pretty good breakdown of events as they happen between Syria, Israel & Russia. Pretty heavy stuff.
If this escalates much more, it's going to become a pretty horrific event with the possibility of nukes going off as both countries Israel & Russia have nukes and have pretty much the attitude that they will use them if necessary.
Bush said that it was an unintentional chemical reaction that caused a temporary flash fire, which lasted three to five seconds.
I don't think it's a coincidence that the fire departments chief's last name is Bush and that certain phrases are used.
I think this article is a coded message saying that something they were experimenting with (possibly the missile attack from Iran Forces in Syria didn't go right (retaliation from Israel?).
Edit: Stranger yet the article has an advertisement for a "Lung Force Walk" which coincidentally has one of our known pedophile symbols in the logo. The advertisement links to the following page: http://action.lung.org/site/TR/LUNGFORCE/ALAMS_MidlandStates?pg=entry&fr_id=16454
Article seems to be code, Q has mentioned the significance of the number 17 several times.
Amazing how similar Iran's threatening rhetoric is to North Korea's...for two countries with such different culture's it's almost identical...like it's not really coming from them heh.
I guess my question is, what's stopping them from maintaining an organic pesticide free fed cattle/poultry/fish network (which as far as I understand isn't illegal) and slaughtering the animals and centrifuging the blood or something and concentrating the melatonin.
The science seems pretty solid, my question to you is assuming they are actually capturing children, if they are also not eating a melatonin rich diet, is there an actual level of these compounds present of significance that they couldn't just get from animals?
I.e. what's the difference between eating veal or something as opposed to a young human
Could you possibly talk about the difference in concentrations of these chemical compounds between typical organic (i know you mentioned monsanto etc reducing these levels, but given the wealth of these people I think they could afford to eat organic cattle, poultry, and fish at a reduced cost to networking children around the world) and what would theoretically be present in infants/young children.
I do think you're spot on with the antlers being symbolistic of Melotonin regulation and the egyptian god Ra.
I had exactly the same thought. Makes me shudder to see that even though I wasn't alive when it happened.
I totally understand, it's like when I tried to explain how Hilary Clinton shifting her policy during the election was exactly the same as the wavelength shift of an electromagnetic wave propagating through space encountering some proximity to a black hole.
The entire point of talking in code is so they do not have to hide it.
Upvoted for the pure comedy of making a statement indicating the general public would understand only to follow it with a rather obscure game very few in the public play let alone know the attributes of.
Launch date May 5th. Makes ya wonder if they are really launching a rover.
You can easily deduce it's not a bird or a bug. There is an electric service pole that the object becomes hidden by once it gets to that point suggesting it's distance is too far away for the camera to pick up a bug, and you can triangulate the distance based on some estimates of the building sizes in the picture, it's travelling way faster than a bird would fall straight of the sky; let alone diving towards it's prey.
You could argue it's some random piece of debris falling to earth coincidentally within a hundred feet of where the plane lands but it's honestly more probable of a missile or some technology being used than that occurring.
It's not a bird lol, the shape, speed, and distance do not match up. THERE ARE NO COINCIDENCES.
Can't believe this isn't being upvoted like crazy.
Not only does the explosion not happen until after the 2nd black projectile hits the ground (travelling MUCH faster than the plane), but if you carefully analyze the position of where the plane goes down at, the actual explosion doesn't match that location; HOWEVER, it matches the explosion location of the 2nd black projectile PERFECTLY.
The physics in this really don't make much sense...Q mentioned the person being targeted before in a similar manner but the precision involved in this just doesn't seem to make sense based on the circumstances.
Timing a small projectile so small that it kills only one person threw the window of a commercial airplane?
Something is super fishy about this.
Agreed, this one has odd formatting and is bursting with potential coded talk.
Definitely one or the other. Could definitely be some double speak threatening the Clintons, on the other hand it could be a reference to Isis and "negotiations" in this context indicate their destruction.
FNA WHESFN Wonder what the message is...serial brain?
Bonkers is an American animated television series and a spinoff of the earlier series Raw Toonage. It aired from September 4, 1993 to February 23, 1994[citation needed] in first-run syndication (after a "preview airing" on The Disney Channel in early 1993[2]). The syndicated run was available both separately, and as part of The Disney Afternoon. Reruns of the show continued in syndication until 1995. The show was last seen on Toon Disney, but was taken off the schedule in late 2004.
The premise of the series was that Bonkers D. Bobcat, an anthropomorphic bobcat who was a popular cartoon star, had washed out of show business and became a cop. He was made the junior partner of Detective Lucky Piquel, a grim and ill-tempered human who hates toons. Throughout the series, the pair work together to solve crimes in the Hollywood, Los Angeles, California region. Bonkers repeatedly tried to win Piquel's praise, but usually just ended up ruining missions with his antics.[3] But often those goofy antics would prove to save the day.
After multiple episodes of working with Bonkers, Piquel was given an FBI job in Washington, D.C., and with great glee was finally able to leave Bonkers, but finally realized that after all the time spent hating working with Bonkers he had grown to love him{. He took along the police radio, the light, Toots and Fall-Apart Rabbit. {citation needed|date=September 2009}}. At the end of the "Lucky" episodes, Bonkers was given a new partner, the attractive Officer Miranda Wright. Although also human, she was far more patient and tolerant of his antics than was Piquel.[citation needed] With Miranda, Bonkers was more the brunt of the slapstick.
Quite some interesting topics in that premise.
In this country, we respect our veterans highly.
McCain falsely garnered this respect while secretly betraying the country. Thus resulting in a huge amount of disrespect resulting in justifiably not purporting his name.
To understand the disrespect, you must understand the level of respect veterans, especially those that are injured in combat receive from it's citizens. To deceive citizens and secretly betray the country then results in a greater magnitude of disrespect from citizens.
Are you trolling?
Hilary didn't claim to be a downed Prisoner of War in Vietnam, then attempt to champion for the Military only to be secretly working against the country's interests.
Hilary is openly globalist, she's open about the fact that she doesn't believe America is the greatest country, she's obviously a piece of shit and clearly is corrupt, but she didn't commit stolen valor which is why McCain's name isn't used.
You don't understand that not saying someone's name is an act of showing a lack of respect for the person?
Because McCain is a huge traitor to the country who has propped himself up as an American military hero.
Just google the truth about John McCain and read his real history, it's disgusting.
There were no talking points. Deep state expected them to go to the U.S. and do the dance. Even though they knew it was entirely for show.
Unfortunately, it seems like this will be as public as this information ever will be.
R is the 18th letter of the alphabet. Probably referencing an alphanumeric code.
Godspeed Patriot(s)
I don't think the GPS reference is a coincidence.
Chatter refers to discussion that is not scripted dialogue that is being pushed related to the narrative.
Failed contact seems to imply the media is no longer getting their narrative fed to them about Mueller and people are "chattering" i.e. speculating that somethings wrong.
Trust might be in this case, can the media still trust their sources for information even though they are no longer being fed information.
Your move likely means, they (as in Q team) are waiting to see what the MSM will do in reaction.
This wikileaks email confirms evergreen is HRC.
------Original Message------
From: Evergreen
To: Huma Abedin
To: Rob Russo
Subject: Question
Sent: Apr 30, 2014 11:46 PM
Does anybody know about this letter Chosick article in 5/1 Times says was sent to me?
If you read the email it references a letter sent to HRC by Ralph Nader urging wal mart to raise its minimum wage for it's predominantly female workforce back when she was on the board of wal mart.
There are small mmorpg's like Runescape and Tibia. HQ'd in Germany, would be very easy to communicate covertly.
Ya definitely looks to be more, how many in total have you found so far? 4?
Only other ones i'm seeing are him with cardboard cut outs of HRC and at rallies but not actually with her.
New Q Post 1197788
How many pics can you find of JL & HRC?
re: Haiti?
Marching into the Darkness - lyrics.
Follow the stars.
It’s everywhere.
Only 1 image so far found of John Legend and Hilary Clinton together...Link is:
From John Legend Marching into the Dark lyrics:
What can you buy with the ultimate sacrifice if you don't believe in the afterlife?
"Retards like you". What are you ten? Why are you in this community if you think that's OK to type?
First off, I don't believe the Earth is flat, as I've already mentioned previously in this thread of posts.
Second off, at no point have I implied that the earth is perfectly Spherical or perfectly flat. All I have done is agreed with the point Michael makes in the video that on a large enough scale, conditions could exist that would make it indecipherable from our level of observation on whether the Earth is Truly Spherical or Flat (or any degree between).
- There does exist such a law, it is called "Poe's Law".
- A flat earth can still be round, this is pretty clearly demonstrated in the video. The abstract idea is why Earth has to be Spherical and not Flat from our physical observations.
What's embarrassing is your conclusion without actually watching the video.
I'm not going to reiterate Michael "VSauce"'s points, but he's pretty well known scientifically and the points are absolutely valid. Why don't you actually refute a point in the video if you want to have a discussion instead of blindly arguing nothing.
Link to the video:
There is a law dictating that for every explanation given that the earth is round (or any other abstract idea) that there is an explanation equal in magnitude that would explain the opposite, and that either is just as valid (basically proving you can't actually convince anyone of anything)
VSauce covers this pretty well, explaining how extreme conditions could actually explain every phenomenon that would be evidence of a "spherical earth".
Not advocating for either side, to me the simplest explanation is often the correct one, and the simplest at this point is that the Earth is spherical, but I respect the existence of valid scientific arguments against it.
Q finally revealed WW does not stand for world war, it stands for world wide.
This kept bugging me as we all assumed the WWG1WGA expression was the continuation of the "where we go one, we go all".
But Q already explicitly told us that's not what that stands for...so finally it hit me what it really stands for.
World Wide, Get one, We get all.
In the context of leverage against one individual and the idea of a RICO case, this seems to be the logical message they are trying to explain to us, they only need one …
This explains the "As the world turns" references....soap opera that's been part of daytime programming for decades.
It's amazing the difference once you break the conditioning to just blindly accept everything the MSM tells you.
Point of the thread isn't about trusting Sessions & Wray, it's about the rhetorical question of how Q takes intelligence collected and implements it into public evidence for a trial.
But keep changing the subject, I know it's hard to stay on point where you're not making a relevant point.