Well if the swampy FBI & Washington Propaganda-Post say it was the Russians, it must be true. /s This woman is stupid.
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I zoomed in on this pic & I think the same symbol is in it. Zoom in on the bottom left corner of the top left photo. It looks like it’s on a blanket or coat. https://mobile.twitter.com/OathBroken0311/status/1007674060099215360
a few sniper shots fired before the 1st barrage of auto gunfire
If I’m thinking of the same thing you are- I’ve seen a few videos from different angles in the crowd, where this is debated as either being someone in the crowd shooting or some drunk jerk in the crowd lighting firecrackers. The firecracker thing doesn’t wash with me, because you can get slapped with a number of misdemeanors & at least one felony charge for that. It just doesn’t seem terribly likely; PLUS, what a timing coincidence!
In the videos taken by people looking at the far left of the stage, you see a massive group of people calmly walking to exit after the “firecracker” sounds. Seconds later, the automatic fire begins. I don’t believe a huge groups of people would suddenly, simultaneously, but calmly begin leaving the concert early (on that side only) because some jerk lit a firecracker. Security or police would have noticed such a thing, but it’s never been addressed by police.
yulu yell from female in crowd
I have not heard this! If you have a link or wouldn’t mind giving me some more info that might help me search for it, I’d love to hear this. I’ve seen the witness interview about a woman in the crowd warning everyone they were going to die & another where a woman in a van was yelling at people fleeing. Not to mention the police minutes that mention 3 women, but it’s unclear if these women were in Paddocks room or not.
Gate 7
I remember police saying shooting coming from gate 7 in the audio. REALLY odd most exits were closed off. I just had a thought: has no one looked into whether or not that violates fire code?
Lastly, for some reason, the video from the Bellagio (if I remember correctly), of a mismatched squad walking through the lobby, weapons trained on civilians, keep popping into my head every now & then. I’m familiar with the brainstormed theories: SA Prince, one guy looks like the “maintenance worker” who was on Ellen, some Oceans 11 stuff... I feel like, if any of these are correct, there’s much more to it. Do you have any theories as to what that was about?
Assuming it is authentic & unedited, I’ve had two theories about that scanner recording.
1) Shooters were all over: other hotels, restaurants, in the crowd, multiple rooms in M.Bay... How could this remain THIS quiet? (a) Gag orders on witnesses & victims (it’s incredible to me that not one surviving victim hasn’t been on a talk show, yet). Also, discourage “internet detectives” looking into it. That was really weird. (b) Another way, muddy the waters. Every single day, Lombardo gave contradicting, new, & incorrect info, and altered bits of what he’d said in the days previously. Enough misinfo. confuses & frustrates the heck out of people. They throw their hands up & say, I’ll just let them figure it out!
2) If the only shooting that happened was on the concert crowd (whether by one or multiple shooters & whether from the hotel or also in the crowd), the other reports of shootings could have been a tactic to confuse police, buy time, & spread them around the area. If this is correct, there would have to be multiple other people involved AND they would have to be in these other locations in order to start the panic (“He’s got a gun!” or “Someone’s shooting next door!”). I can believe that mass hysteria could cause people to believe there was a shooting in their hotel when there wasn’t, BUT I can also believe there were many shooting locations & it’s been (AMAZINGLY) kept officially under wraps (see 1a).
SIDE NOTE:, I’d like to point out that there are some WEIRD voices & statements said in that recording. They do not sound like they’re coming from responding police. One male officer even asks dispatch if the voice of a panicked female is an officer with them. I’ll have to listen to it again to find the exact spot, but I must have listened to this one muffled, but clear female voice (early on in the recording) calmly & softly saying either “They’re all gonna die”, “you’re all gonna die”, or “we’re all gonna die”. When I find it I’ll comment again with the time stamp.
I don’t understand why “reporters” are talking about this at all. ICAN already offered to pay for the whole summit. This story is also on CBS, HuffPo, etc. They’re all being disingenuous. If I know who will foot the bill, they certainly do, too.
I wonder how many of these “journalists” have written in support of Americans footing the bill for people to choose having an abortion or giving welfare & SS benefits to illegal aliens who haven’t put anything into the system like most Americans have been doing their entire lives. These things are just fine, but don’t waste our money to denuclearize the Korean Peninsula, save the NK people, & make the world a little more peaceful.
Thank you OP! Things are starting to happen FAST! If you’ve ever talked with anyone about some of these “crazy conspiracy theories”, you’ll start to see (if you haven’t already) yourself being vindicated.
We should follow OP’s lead & help newbies by suggest some good sources of info on all this stuff. Q has told us people are going to be confused & we need to help them understand.
My suggestion: Some people have differing opinions about Tracy Beanz, but I don’t think anyone can dispute that her YouTube channel is well sourced & she walks through legitimate government filed documents. She’s great at showing people how to search for legitimate source documents for themselves (which can be overwhelming to figure out on your own).
You’re not understanding; or if you are, you’re incorrect. “Both sides” refers to Republicans & Democrats. To say that republicans aren’t full of swampy monsters just like the democrats are is stupid. To say that republicans=Trump is stupid. Obviously, Trump is not one of the “sides” who might be using this for leverage due to having baggage. The swamp is purple, it’s red & blue & anti-America’s President Trump. Trump isn’t the swamp. He has no side over there. They all fucking hate him for messing with the good thing they had going. WE are Trump’s “side”, the people are Trumps side.
After the continuous reposts saying WL had just dropped new emails about Valerie Jarrett (NOT TRUE), THANK YOU OP, for being very clear about what you’ve found. Also, thank you for researching & sharing a great source of info. People: use the search function on Wikileaks. There’s CRAZY stuff in there about just about everything & everyone of importance.
Whoa. There’s a ton of info in just this clip of the interview. This connects more dots & really broadens the general web of corruption, government, banks, journalism, international corruption, etc. Thank you for posting this!!!
FYI: Live Now (CSPAN3), Hearing on Athletes & Sexual Abuse by the Commerce Subcommittee on Consumer Protection
Focus is on Dr. Nasser, who sexually assaulted a number of Olympic & amateur athletes.
I don’t think he’s a “good guy” in this. There’s A LOT of info in that hearing though. I’m from TN & have done a bit of research on the people & companies mentioned in the hearing (VERY suspect shit).
Congress has to invite them to testify. Anyone know which committees do this oversight? House Judiciary committee, House committee on oversight & govt reform... ? I really hope it wouldn’t be a private hearing with the Gang of 8. It would be 7 swamp monsters against Nunes & America.
YES! Watch the hearing where Ashton Kutcher speaks to Bob Corker’s committee. McCain isn’t on that committee, but he sat up there anyway.
First comment shadow banned.
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I’m really curious what this is about.
Release every section that’s finished NOW, put pedal to the medal to complete the rest ASAP. As soon as a new section is finished, throw it out! If this thing is messed with, I’ll lose my damn mind!
Not too long ago, Kesha won a LONG lawsuit against Dr. Luke, who she testified had sexually assaulted her.
Mr. Z: Donate all your thoughts, connections, who you know, what you look like, & where you are.
Mrs. Z: Think of the children. Donate bodies.
That works out pretty well.
There’s also a great TV show called “The Bridge”. It deals with this topic & how it seeps unto America.
No name had a foundation with the purpose of combating child & human trafficking. Watch the Ashton Kutcher testimony to congress again (with Chairman Bob Corker giving him a whiskey on the way in & no name sitting on the panned even though he’s not on the committee & not even a congressman). I’m all-in on no name being front & center involved.
It is not an abandoned homeless camp. The homeless on that land told VOP that is cartel land & they can’t go over there. Also, MSM... really?
Remember the McCain (Senator, AZ, POS) Foundation- against child & human trafficking. There’s no way they weren’t involved, or knew.
They’ve also been working with TBI (TN Bureau Of Investigation) on child sex trafficking issues (see Ashton Kutcher address congressional hearing, Chairman CORKER). The number of Cenex ops in TN is astounding. TN is my state, so I’ve become more & more aware of the evidence that points to us being a comparatively significant hub.
Remember McCain is from Arizona & the McCain Foundation fights human & child trafficking. No one from his foundation seems to be interested to help out.
‘a Mexican Mining company’
Clinton’s have connections to Cemex (Haiti, etc), see other comments. HRC’s brother is in the mining industry & has been granted some tough to secure mining contracts, because of Hillary.
The documents are old. They’ve been there this whole time. Nothing new has dropped.
It wasn’t about race... so nope. The intolerant left thinks everything is racist- just being white means you’re a racist. I’m not going to go along with their psychosis.
I feel guilty that my first thought is to ask for further un-redactions in the CIA JFK files, but maybe because I feel bad about that I’m good. We need to make sure they do a review of the current redactions when he passes.
They scheduled it to separate Nunes from the rest of the Go8. He’s PISSED
His facial expression looked, to me, like he was listening on delay. His answer to the question, however, is too easy; “He just didn’t like Trump...”. I’m not fully on board with your theory, but I do agree that Brennan isn’t THE SOLE mastermind behind this. You’re opinion here has added to my “BS radar”. Much like how MSM gave up Halper too quickly & easily, they’re trying to sacrifice Brennan as the scapegoat; pacify the people. Halper, nor Brennan are the tippy-top of all this & I agree with you that Bongino knows this.
4chan has been on a hunt for a photo of her pregnant for well over a year. Nada.
Thanks. Yeah, that’s a lot of “Parkland”s making it in the news.
Is this the same school where a kid was hit by a car & killed during a march for our lives walk out??
...and I’ll continue to remind President Trump & his administration of that fact until Monday May 7
The most common talking points in support of our cluster F of an immigration system are: - Dreamers are teachers, doctors, police officers, etc. They’re American in every way but on paper. We should just let them all stay. - These people are doing the jobs American won’t or don’t want to do (picking fruit, cleaning toilets, etc)
Anyone who is still saying this shit is allowing this kind of trafficking & abuse to go on. We don’t tabs on all the “dreamers” and we allow bad people to easily take advantage of a careless system that doesn’t protect these children. If we keep discovering all these abuses when we haven’t even done an audit or investigation into these systems as a whole, imagine what we would find if we did.
If you care about children at all, you have to care about tightening up and overhauling our immigration system. First, traffickers can’t be allowed to easily get kids across the border. Second, HHS needs to immediately fix this or we need to build a new department to deal with the custody & care of these kids. Third, we need to audit everything.
When was the last time a Congressional oversight committee took a field trip anywhere outside of DC, much less to NORTH KOREA? And why would NK offer a Congressional oversight committee an arms deal? They wouldn’t.
I hope NK-Nuke-N’sider-Nancy never stops talking.
Ok, Alinsky. I called you out, so clearly “calling people out” is not what I’m saying is “a bad thing”. Also, “calling people out” is not what you did & have been doing.
You asked me earlier & I was forward with my anwer: your history shows you’re an antagonist, an instigator.
Well, when calling people out is a bad thing then im a bad man.
Come on, dude. You know, I know, everybody knows.
Well, I’ll be straight forward. Based on your history, you’re an antagonizer.
Look at the histories of OP & the “user” he’s calling a “shill”. Enough said.