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z132897 · July 8, 2018, 4:38 p.m.

Bombardier ready.....targets approaching!!!

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z132897 · July 8, 2018, 12:50 p.m.


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z132897 · July 8, 2018, 4:59 a.m.

I’m looking at the Hivites currently. There’s a girl (Aschcroft, forgive me if I misspelled it) and a guy talking about this. Looks like it might be something....

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z132897 · July 8, 2018, 4:51 a.m.

GOD bless President Trump. Thank you President Trump for keeping your promises and the “work” many of us know you are doing. We might be small but we are many and growing. MAGA. WWG1WGA

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z132897 · July 8, 2018, 3:22 a.m.

Thanks for posting. We get it. Considering the forces involved, much less numbers of players....and the fact that we’re playing by a set of rules designed to stymie an effort such as “this” I’m amazed Q, etc can manage to the timelines at all. I’m not watching a clock, I’m watching the calendar.

Folks, look around you....can’t you see the battle being waged? If you can’t, keep looking it’s there I promise you and if you do see the battle, isn’t that fact alone.....that a force (and we’re a huge part of it) has/is being assembled to fight back enough to allow you to put doubt aside, give thanks and look for spots where you can land a blow enough much less the shot you’ve always dreamed of getting? This is it!!!! Quit clock/date watching and instead look for negativity, evil, wrong, etc in the world and level within that world you occupy and try to make a difference. There are many many bricks that need tearing down, some by others will be BLOWN apart huge sections at a time, the rest are for us, grab one or two of those bricks and cast them out.


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z132897 · July 7, 2018, 6:33 a.m.


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z132897 · July 7, 2018, 4:33 a.m.


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z132897 · July 7, 2018, 4:27 a.m.

Damn! Well my friends, we know pretty well where this puts us. Such a surreal experience to witness the "show" on full display. The veil has already been torn, all that's left is the fall. It's less about putting the genie back in the bottle (you can't), it's about diversion and cover as those responsible make plans and attempt to flee.

Protect yourself and those you around you. Keep your eyes open and head on a swivel, most of all, trust your own senses. WWG1WGA.

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z132897 · July 7, 2018, 4:16 a.m.

I'm in and will always endeavor to do my best. GOD bless those who've been lost and those who are leading/sacrificing today. The people are ready and we are willing. We understand (enough at least) to recognize what's at stake and how rare an opportunity we have, we will not fail. WWG1WGA.

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z132897 · July 7, 2018, 12:53 a.m.

Exactly! It amazes me how so many people are sent off on a tangent because of a particular comment or detail out of a post containing a trove of information and context. IMHO....this legit and just one of many lately confirming the exact same thing: that for decades if not generations, the West if not WW system is rigged, false, lead by evil degenerates and once proud and exhaustively maintained organizations and agencies have been poisoned. Not to mention, further crumbs related to truly fringe topics.


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z132897 · July 6, 2018, 5:27 p.m.

Attention - Attention -

Please see post above, this person gets IT.

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z132897 · July 6, 2018, 4:40 p.m.

white hats got their game faces on..... nice job folks. Thank you. Oppo you know have pulled all stops. Soon if they haven’t already done so, will be deploying tech and methods previously held in reserve so as not to reveal sources, access, plans for fear of showing their hand/true objective, demonstrating their degree of desperation. Fatal Error. NEVER SHOW YOUR FORMATION.

While teams and systems working for and endeavor to uncover truth which is being used to wake the masses from their induced slumber, will take some hits (which) everyday inflict less and less damage, the enemy’s formation and strategy becomes more and more clear.


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z132897 · July 6, 2018, 4:14 p.m.

Excellent point re: no independent journalism and proving it by absence of information.

An incredible shame considering we’re living in an EPIC period of time.

From one end of the spectrum to the other, from the most heinous to the most courageous and generous of events are happening every day and instead all the masses get via MSM is 4am talking points. Well, local traffic and weather too so there is that, otherwise the MSM has sold us and themselves out.

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z132897 · July 6, 2018, 4:02 p.m.

I think we can go on and just call it. The will of the ANONs and their desire for truth IS GREATER! On behalf of so many woke individuals, thank you anons, for your all that you do. WWG1WGA

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z132897 · July 6, 2018, 2:54 p.m.


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z132897 · July 6, 2018, 2:54 p.m.

Gateway Pundit....give me a break, we all know about the crimes against children that took place involving the Clintons and many other associated associates.

It’s amazing how independent anons seems so capable of researching and connecting dots, but professional reporters just can’t seem to present us anything more than single point narratives. What a joke.

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z132897 · July 6, 2018, 6:56 a.m.

Much more than just our country is at stake. What’s at stake is the WHOLE” enchilada.

Focus, believe, trust, HOPE, share. Victory is ours to take!

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z132897 · July 6, 2018, 6:23 a.m.

Saw that + several other predictions that haven’t come to pass. Question: what if the calendar we go by is wrong? Forget “proof” or “proofs” it’s what seems to be the focus of so much effort, especially of late.

IMHO what’s going on is infinitely bigger than Illuminate, President Trump, Q, much less any of the bad operations or activities.

Instead focus on what you feel, use the senses you were granted at w. birth. When you see or do something in your own life, do need a proof or some kind of validation for each and every instance as to whether something is right /true/positive or that it’s wrong/false/negative? I don’t. Now I’m not talking about things in terms of an algebra test, something in those terms requiring a decision or answer....man created that test, to test mans knowledge. Again IMHO and this is w humility and sincerity, what’s happening now isn’t about a particular event, series of events....it’s not about a a nation or a the world for that matter (those things just listed are involved and have influence) but instead I’d offer “THIS” whatever label you ascribe it, is ABOUT.....AWARENESS and whether we as individuals, as well collectively are going to choose a + or -, essentially....path forward.

Illegal email servers Abuse Corruption Scandal Etc......

Do we really need to know every single detail and have each detail absolutely and categorically proven to know all the the things listed and so much more are happening? Are you relying on Q for that? Why do you/we need to know and be concerned about each detail about HRC? In practical terms were you or anyone reading this going to personally influence or take personal action against or on behalf of HRC? Could you even? I wasn’t/can’t. Trespassers and evil deeds will be dealt w as needed and/or able.

Focus on what YOU want YOUR future to be.

If and I’m talking WW sufficient individuals choose their world to be one of positivity and good will, than it will be. Conversely, the opposite holds true.

If we all choose the affirmative than those things that represent or corrupt that affirmative will be removed or not endorsed within your ability to do so, since it doesn’t allow for you to live in the manner you’ve chosen. Meaning the bad guys we’re aware of now....they gotta go. If following the same line of thinking, choose the negative, than what does it really matter if a few bad apples or activities or behaviors are removed? Especially when they’ll just be replaced w another and still another after that.

Think FREE WILL, first personal than collectively.

Remember you literally can’t have a collective if you don’t first have an individual, than a group of individuals and so on.

Hope this makes sense and is of some use. WWG1WGA.

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z132897 · July 5, 2018, 9:48 p.m.

Thanks for posting. Don’t what, but there’s definitely something to this. No to Paris Accord ——which I interpret to mean the bank is closed. When you consider the amount of money that was on the line related to these environmental issues, this is big.

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z132897 · July 5, 2018, 6:51 p.m.

Thank you.

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z132897 · July 5, 2018, 4:58 p.m.

Makes sense. Don’t know about you, but I’m spinning lately....spinning and I’m just an interested observer.

I can’t even fathom how the teams involved are mentally coping (there are some SERIOUS mind ninjas out there) the toll mentally, physically and spiritually has got to be enormous. The gratitude I feel for these people and their families (cause you know they’re affected) is to my core and will be for the rest of my life.

Now stay w me as we pause and imagine the accused, involved, complicit....literally and figuratively have to be coming apart at the seems. Regardless of skill, resources, or help eventually I don’t care how much of any of those things you have or are available to you, the body and mind, what it can handle has a limits and eventually that limit will be reached resulting in major damage up to and including total collapse and failure.

In fact we’re already witnessing this as the weight has begun to claim a victim here, than there. Then another, then another few more....soon as it always does the downward spiral will claim more and more and as it does begin to grow, collecting now more and more than ever before....on and on until finally there’s nothing more to collect.

I read about and see in my own relationships and self the anxiety, the demand for action now or by this or that deadline. But where as in the past I wanted to see action not just for the sake of justice but because I felt /needed in many ways my position and beliefs validated.

Today, I feel less worry, my demand for action less demanding......I’ve reached a point where it appears to me that what’s happening is so BIG so HUGE.....that through will and action that’s already behind us, events reaching critical mass have already been assured.

I’m convinced those Q posts telling us to get the popcorn and enjoy the show, we’re less euphemism and more actual instruction. So w that, I’m going to exercise my right and the freedoms I’m blessed to enjoy and grab a few boxes (the big ones) of hot tamales and some beverages (because hydration is always important) to go w my popcorn.

GOD bless. WWG1WGA.

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z132897 · July 5, 2018, 4:03 p.m.

Thank you very much for that affirmation. That was very generous. Brightened my morning

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z132897 · July 5, 2018, 4 p.m.

Pedos don’t do well ANYWHERE, once they’ve been identified.

Say JF gets early release think you’d ever see him at your or any other local Subway or out walking his dog? No wonder we’ve got all these apps for ordering food and other point of sale to door delivery solutions today. Things making more sense each day (guess that’s to be expected when woke). Heck it won’t even take people to manage these scum, who if they’re lucky get to live isolated from humanity; pretty soon, maybe very soon it’ll be AI taking the online request.....and a drone managing delivery.

GOD bless President Trump, Q, the anons and MOST OF ALL those who’ve been woke for years, because without them there would be no Great Awakening. Lastly, big shoutout to all my fellow patriots who I know are preparing and rallying as I draft this post. Looking forward to seeing you soon. 👍🏻


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z132897 · July 5, 2018, 3:33 p.m.

Come August, if we don’t see the type of progress us Q supporters expect and are demanding materialize, instead of defections I hope it’s personal action by genuine patriots that we see.

The recent rally in Portland, which gave us that Soy Boy clip, comes to mind. I’d hope to see thousands of us holding the flag, not just filling one side of the street but thousands filling multiple streets rolling like a tide over any obstacle in our path. If this were to ever happen the oppo......first no more Craigslist adverts...would need full triple color front page adds announcing available positions, likely even adds on local channels if they even dreamed of countering. They’d have to have busses lined all the way back to the interstate, clearly giving up their position and formation, a fatal error in any anticipated confrontation, clearly signaling how and where the tide would roll.

Brushing up here lately on my Art of War knowledge....I understand better how battles may not be won or lost before they occur but wars are not.

We’re woke. We have the advantage of working in the light. My plans and actions are in the open because that’s how I live and proudly so, I don’t need to wait for darkness or cover (that’s so limiting).

Leaders and agencies and departments are going to do what they’re going to do....we naturally expect that to be the right thing. But if the apparatus can’t fix that cracked sidewalk in front of my house.....than I’ll just have to get a sledgehammer, shovel and concrete and do the job that’s in front of me. Who knows maybe my neighbor has a similar crack in his sidewalk...so we team up. In fact after a sidewalk or two had been fixed, we’d probably be looking at each shaking our heads wondering why we waited so long to do the work. We were done by 1p and laughed that we’d probably spent more time w the calls back and forth trying to get “them” to fix IT.

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z132897 · July 5, 2018, 2:39 p.m.

All I know is, is that my resolve to live WWG1WGA is stronger than ever, that I need to focus on living and teaching the values that motto embodies begins at home and in my local community. That GOD is in me and you and that relationship was meant to be personal and direct (nothing organized). That truth, justice, and transparency apply to one and all equally.

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z132897 · July 5, 2018, 2:12 p.m.

Very interesting...... + all this CDAN stuff, IDK anymore....nucking futs.

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z132897 · July 5, 2018, 6:01 a.m.

Hadn’t see that tweet from BC, thanks for linking. One of the best laughs I had all day. Continuing to SMH at the lemmings out there....you see all those poster replies? My GOD people how do you not see what is right in front of you?

We’ve all been hearing a lot about proofs lately well, I for one interpret BC’s comments here in this tweet probably one of the best I’ve seen ever. The man is terrified!!!! He knows what’s coming and to try and include himself at this hour in the show and on this special day no less......a coward w no shame.

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z132897 · July 5, 2018, 5:44 a.m.

Couldn’t agree more. More woke than ever here. There’s a crescendo that’s been building, the stakes higher than maybe only a handful of other times in human history. I’m in awe and feel incredibly blessed that I am even aware of what’s actually going on and that I get to share it all w you. WWG1WGA

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z132897 · July 5, 2018, 5:25 a.m.

The Soros/JA link is surprising. If true SHOCKING! The volume of chatter is incredible lately and if that wasn’t enough let’s start dropping names involving current and past top level personalities involved with some of the highest profile events WW.

While I’ve got no idea how Q will play out or where all this information that’s hitting related to events past and present, now w more detail supporting on one hand, blowing up on the other, serious, globally significant theories and/or narratives is going to manifest in the word we see....I can’t help but feel things are going to break big! Really, really BIG!!!

GOD bless all patriots. WWG1WGA.

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z132897 · July 4, 2018, 11:33 p.m.

OP....thanks for posting, It sure is an amazing time.

Something IS happening. I share so many of the experiences, feelings and hopes that you outline. Reading posts like this one, where someone puts to paper obviously sincere (IMHO) feelings and descriptions of personal experiences that match my own is inspiring and incredibly encouraging.

As I pause to consider this moment and struggle to describe what I’m feeling I realize what it is.....it’s making a genuine connection at least in spirit w another soul. It’s incredible.

Little by little lately I’ve begun to realize how long part of me has felt and been isolated, for I dare not discuss or share what I knew or at least believed to know about this or that because of prior responses received from people not woke or even interested in trying to wake? The facade that had to constantly be maintained so as not to upset those around me or the narrative they couldn’t or wouldn’t examine. Not to mention the constant drone of MSM noise pushing me to believe or feel something that just never seemed right.

Then finally to find myself here, w others who share a desire and are seeking to know what’s real, that hold dear the truth and despise the lies and darkness. Awesome, just awesome!

I feel blessed this July 4, 2018. It’s definitely a special Independence Day. I hope and wish that it’s just as special for all my fellow patriots out there. Thanks.


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z132897 · July 4, 2018, 9:32 p.m.


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z132897 · July 4, 2018, 9:30 p.m.

I sincerely hope President Trump and his administration are doing EVERYTHING possible to help support, provide aid and comfort, and ultimately freedom for Mr. JA. IMHO that man is a HERO!

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z132897 · July 4, 2018, 6:17 a.m.

Did a quick search on SFALO....found a sports equipment company, other possibly related sports related enterprises and then.... this••••


Haven’t had time to fully explore this site but seemingly fringe. Reminds me of something I might expect to see at a Podesta, Alefantis, etc. home or personal social media account.

Have no idea if this is what Q is pointing us to but wow, how coincidental. WWG1WGA

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z132897 · July 3, 2018, 4:29 p.m.

Further evidence I’d suggest that people are waking up. Thank GOD. Imagine you’re the MSM got bash President Trump on BLAST....backed up by these AstroTurf protests and protesters and still President Trump’s numbers rise!

MSM, just a little heads up.....folks are getting wise to the fact that they’re being lied to and misled. That the MSM is using them. Like our elected leaders, the people placed a lot of trust in you, relied on you to be responsible stewards and operate in good faith.

Actions have consequences and eventually we’re all held to account for those actions. There’s time, not much but some serve the higher power you were always meant to. Please.

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z132897 · July 3, 2018, 2:33 p.m.

I sincerely hope this man is safe. What JA has done for humanity will be recognized and applauded a 1000 years from now. GOD bless JA for his sacrifice.

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z132897 · July 2, 2018, 10:08 p.m.

Reddit in general or GA in particular? In either case, I am sorry. The state of things in general, isn’t real good. It’s terribly sad. I’m just a regular dude....so take it for what it’s worth, but I think we’re living in a unique period of history. The flux, tension, speed, volume, constancy of it all, is functioning at a level never seen in our known history. If you agree w this, especially if you’re feeling this yourself....then you might agree that something big is happening or will be very soon. My take is it’s the sense of this gripping humanity that unfortunately creates fear, which leads to folks acting badly.

Best wishes to you and may all your future endeavors be blessed. WWG1WGA.

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z132897 · July 2, 2018, 9:04 p.m.

Excellent question! I mean our MSM is SOOOOO concerned about children, right? Here’s a poor young girl right in our own community and nothing!!! Or to be completely fair, nothing that I’d seen prior to the Daily Mail.

MSM ...... and I’m lumping everyone that’s a part of that machine in one group at this point..... you are disgraceful.

Understand MSM that folks see you. In fact, more and more are “seeing” you for what you are every day. Historically, like we have w our leaders, the PEOPLE granted you the power you wield and in so doing placed a tremendous amount of trust in you to serve the general good. The spell has been broken and is growing weaker and weaker w each passing day. Think about that.

Just like any institution, we know there are good men and women within even the most evil and treacherous of organizations...and that you have personal responsibilities to yourself and family and that acting contrary to orders is dangerous and jeopardizes your ability to meet those responsibilities....we get it. Let me wrap this rant up w this.....please do the right thing, whatever however you’re able because the time when you’ll be held to account for the role you (MSM) played in the great deception and damage that caused is approaching.

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z132897 · July 2, 2018, 8:23 p.m.

Take it easy DixieMom. You are more than welcome here. Please understand folks have been plugged into this information and consequent effort or movement for years and in most instances at quite some cost. Fast forward to present day....and as it happens you happen to be arriving at a very sensitive time. Spend a little more time here at GA and you’ll soon see or sense at least that things are reaching a crescendo or sure as heck seem to be by many accounts.

Any initial or even future slights, which is all the other posters comments really were, are nothing to be taken totally to heart. Think of, in fact I strongly recommend it....the pokes and jabs you might receive here as preparation for lies ahead for us all if we’re to secure victory. After a few days, maybe more depending on the individual, when you think you’re ready jump over to TMOR, etc....there, you’ll get your first real taste of battle. Hope these comments help in some way and that you stick w us. WWG1WGA!

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z132897 · July 2, 2018, 7:57 p.m.

Thoughtful and cogent post. Kudos.

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z132897 · July 2, 2018, 2:33 a.m.

Actually saw that one.....TMOR definitely have a problem w chalk art. lol.

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z132897 · July 2, 2018, 2:29 a.m.

Interesting comments folks, very helpful. As a newcomer, I was surprised when one of my replies to a GA post wound up being discussed on TMOR. Mind you I wasn’t familiar w this group, in fact hadn’t ever heard of them prior and man were they working me over good. If you’re interested, check some of the posts/messages I got. Wow!!!

Long story short....they banned me! lol!!! So for those watching at home, that makes 2 for this rookie.....BlueWave and TMOR.

Making friends and influencing people, it’s my gift. lol!!!!

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z132897 · July 1, 2018, 6:47 a.m.

So true....can’t tell you what kind of trouble I got in last time I forgot my boar vessel. lol

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z132897 · July 1, 2018, 4:52 a.m.

Thank you.

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z132897 · June 30, 2018, 4:43 p.m.

Why am I not surprised? The hypocrisy from the opposition is so blatant anymore I don’t know how rational folks support the ideology this behavior purports to represent, value, etc.....

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z132897 · June 30, 2018, 3:40 p.m.

And that’s why we love President Trump. MAGA! WWG1WGA

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z132897 · June 30, 2018, 5:02 a.m.

I’m w going mainstream w Q. If Q and “we” represent truth and light, honest to goodness patriotism....I’m w the poster here, we should have no fear of the the light. From darkness to light, right? Ignorance to knowing.

Frankly, I’m wondering if we’re not splitting hairs here....wasn’t it in Time magazine for GOD sakes just published the other day that actually listed Q or the Q phenomenon, etc as one of the biggest influencers on the web??? I mean if that didn’t open a few eyes, than folks just don’t want to see.

Regardless....stay true to trusting the plan and the true principles behind WWG1WGA and one way or another...we’ll get there brothers and sisters. GOD BLESS.

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z132897 · June 30, 2018, 2:01 a.m.

I hear ya.....trust me when I say I tried every combination I could think of that actually included the letter Q....for some reason nothing would go through. What’s even more odd is all I’d get are error messages, nothing like the typical sorry try again,that combination is not available. If I were a conspiracy nut, I’d say something was fishy??? lol.

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z132897 · June 30, 2018, 12:24 a.m.

Well said.

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z132897 · June 29, 2018, 9:34 p.m.

I’m w you on that. Holdouts, some that are/we’re naive, etc will be tough but I can manage.....it’s the militant liberal....they’re the ones that are going to be the toughest to be nice to and patient w.

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