Anonymous ID: CTgropa3 Oct. 29, 2017, 1:17 a.m. No.147076432   🗄️plebs   >>7969 >>9258


Manafort. Mueller's entire team is Democrats. They're not going to for real go after Democrats.


Yes Mueller will investigate the Podestas and Uranium One. He wants to, for the same reason that Lynch and Comey handled the investigation of Hillary's email server. So he can protect them and get them off the hook with the least legal consequence.


If you ever see a new non-swamp special counsel appointed to investigate Hillary or the Podestas, that is the first moment she or they should begin to worry.

Anonymous ID: CTgropa3 Oct. 29, 2017, 1:20 a.m. No.147076605   🗄️plebs   >>6715 >>6742 >>8950 >>9354 >>3693 >>5799

All of the LARP anons that come on here and claim that Mueller is really our guy and Trump has an understanding with him and Comey and they really all will drain the swamp, are all shills.


They want to take the pressure off of Mueller to resign or for any new special counsel to be appointed so that Mueller can handle any matters that point to Clintons or Podestas and put them to bed.

Anonymous ID: CTgropa3 Oct. 29, 2017, 1:34 a.m. No.147077327   🗄️plebs   >>9764

The only way Mueller could ever do anything toward draining the swamp would be if he had a secret team of lawyers separate from the hardcore partisan Democrats he hired and if he had a secret team of FBI agents separate from the ones Andrew McCabe assigned to him.


Everything he does is through his team of Democrat lawyers and McCabe FBI agents. Mueller's not going to drain the swamp.

Anonymous ID: CTgropa3 Oct. 29, 2017, 1:43 a.m. No.147077765   🗄️plebs


>So why would trump allow people who are obviously biased as fuck do these investigations.

Because the leaf fag is right. There are a bunch of GOP Senators like Flake and Corker who are basically employees of Jew globalist billionaires. Like Paul Singer who initially funded GPS Fusion before Hillary took over the funding.

They want to impeach Trump but can't find a pretext that would give them enough support.

Anonymous ID: CTgropa3 Oct. 29, 2017, 2:22 a.m. No.147079736   🗄️plebs   >>9927

to summarize:

>Hillary paid millions to an oppo research firm to hire a foreign spy to collect dirt on Trump from agents close to the Russian government

>They tried to use the Russian dirt to affect the election by shopping it around to news organizations, but the dirt was so phony no one bit until Buzzfeed after the election

>The dirt even included a pee party troll 4chan pulled on Rick Wilson

>The FBI used the Russian dirt to justify spying on the Trump campaign. Even Obama's UN Ambassador was reading daily spy reports on the Trump campaign.

>Berniebro and DNC employee Seth Rich downloaded emails showing Bernie got screwed and gave them to Wikilieaks to show the world

>They killed Seth Rich and floated a phony story that Russia hacked the emails per an agreement with Trump

>Using the Trump-Russia hacked muh emails story they got a Special Counsel appointed to investigate the Trump campaign (which they had already been spying on for months)

>In investigating the Trump campaign it is discovered that Manafort had been working with Hillary's campaign manager Podesta and his brother to influence the US government on behalf of Russia

>Therefore Drumpf must be IMPEACHED!!!!!