(larp WAR)1/2
>LVPDAnon, says paddock escape route was up
>BlackwaterAnon, says blackwater accidentally stopped something bigger, says a vip was escorted.
>MegaAnon, confirms -john and Blackwater anon, 'calm before the storm' Seth. Says LV investigation was handed over to DC FBI. Is chased down by shills and nickname stolen. Calls out /pol/ for not providing OC she doesnt already have.
>DCreporterAnon, Comes looking for MegaAnon, confirms MegaAnon including the part shills say was larp. SethRich, wikileaks, kimdot. Wants to contact MegaAnon for the sake of his 'career'.
>Anon5 says LVPDanon, BlackwaterAnon, and DCreporterAnon are fake. Says to look at MegaAnon timeframe.
>WHAnon commie anon, comes out as one of many WHanon impostors. Says leftypol is tying up larps into knots(!)
>MegaAnon, allegedly, appears again. Claims Kelly is hard on the side of Trump and they bait media and leakers to reveal themselves in WH.
>mega#nzanon, shares files that bring nothing to investigation could contain viruses. CODEFAG defends him.
>JohnFriendAnon appears. Claims John and John Beilman were the same person. Is looking for MegaAnon. Proves with personal details about his daughter.
>MegaAnon, or fake, appears. Jesus Quintero was on Ellens show.
>VegasMetroAnon (TB), claims LV was assasination attempt on Trump, Cammpos is a janitor, Schuck is security, note is not distance calc, ramppelling gear.
>AutismBrah, Claims MegaAnon us is psyop. D.M.Linwood