Anonymous ID: Lt/YHlNd Nov. 2, 2017, 4:06 p.m. No.147679811   🗄️plebs   >>1739 >>2819 >>4305

MegaAnon here, I was in the previous thread but no one picked up on it.

10-15 years ago, boards like /pol/, were amazing tools for people like me to dump nuggets on. The boards were extremely useful because they weren’t trolled. They were less known and rather untouched by the masses. We’d go hard on these boards too. We’d upload classified docs/Intel, burn sources, etc. the old boards had value and credibility and ultimately, that’s what attracts good anons with actual Intel. I don’t post on /pol/ or any other board today, like I and many others, used to post on similar boards of yesteryear. As related specifically to /pol/, you lose a lot of the older board crowd. Meaning, you give too much attention and waste to much time theorizing and entertaining blatant troll threats and larps that you do actually putting in the work. Nothing on /pol/ is relevant to people like me, because you don’t have the stamina, clout, or record of telling us shit that candidly, we don’t already know… and that’s only on the shit you’re right, on. You attract too many tweens, teens, and legal adults who don’t seem to have the mental capacity to count change for a $20 without a calculator, let alone graduate high school… and worse?! You then actually encourage them to post, by engaging them in blatant race-bait, gender-driven threads that in reality, will never mean anything. You expect too much from people/insiders who have real careers, families, personal lives, responsibilities, etc. without giving them anything in return. Boards like this used to be give and take. YOU earned YOUR CREDIBILITY AND VALIDITY with US, YOU put the work in, to prove yourselves as legitimate and serious as we are and in return, we lit you up with shit you’d NEVER comprehend existed. Threads weren’t started with publicly available PDF images of casino hotel rooms, entitled “PROOFS! GET IN HERE!” The only images ever attached were docs, pics, etc.