Is clinton going to flee to wonderland or are they going to hunt her down? Bloody leads me to believe shits about to get real.
This is why she said theyd all hang if anyone found out what theyve done.
Huma got a hit out on her. Brazile was afraid of snipers and mentioned seth rich. Is huma in hiding or protection?
Yes he was
Hillary going to be extradited to SA or SA going to deal with her?
MS13 is like obsma/soros own person foot soldiers. Remember all the billions in missing weapons and ammo? Think about it
Remember someone in FBI supposedly saying if fbi wont do anything he will. Said he saw a young girl "sex tape" with hillary when their seized weiners computer
Ive noticed a huge amount of scientologists trying to get into politics. Most were raised in it both in hollywood and politics. Thats how they get those positions
Its because like our politicians they all were corrupted and hes trying to return order but needed an ally as a backup. Youll see you were lied to about SA. They were being ruled by tyrants and the new crown prince is returning order. Watch
Wtf is actually going on here
Perhaps someone took some bait
I told someone days ago to do this. They said they found nothing