Is Huma Alice? Did she flip on HC and MB? Does she have the proof from HC deleted emails?
Does anyone else read the questions as the answer to the following question? If you take the main subject of one question and apply it to the next, does it answer each question? Are the answers literally in the questions?
Did BO payout right before he left office pay off HC debts rob SA/Paki? Was Humanthe connection between CF/SA/MB? When she lost we're they going to out the scheme and BO paid them off? Could that be why it was "state secrets"?
Oh ho ho ho, I bet that's it
>pic very much related?
Totally in debt to them because they have been funding her and CF for years? She lost the election and all power. Could an entire nation be after her?!
I'm a phonefag, I can't. No way to cap and get back quickly.
Is GEOTUS going to save HC? Holy shit.
So if HC was in debt to SA wouldn't Podesta be too?
That's the way I'm reading the questions too. It's hard to explain it.
Those who investigated Seth Rich, any deaths you can think of two days later? I can't think of any. If BO was using MS13 for hits, maybe one of them ended up dead? Fire up the autism!
The guy with helium?
Search for this with whatever details you remember.