Lewis Carroll was a pedo
Look under controversies and mysteries in the wiki page >>148020201
Lewis Carroll was a pedo
Look under controversies and mysteries in the wiki page >>148020201
Yesssss! I Forgit about the war dance!!
I hope and pray obozo didn’t give Isis nukes! Surely he didn’t. He knows how nuts those cia trained psycho sociopaths are. He had them trained! Surely he wouldn’t give them nuke capabilities?! Would he?
GEOTUS speech tonight talked about how our military has BTFO of Isis over and over again recently, so I’m not worried
Yes and those Harvard freaks are pedophiles
They provide the children
Podesta and alefantis etc GET the children
Alice in wonderland by Lewis Carroll
Transfers to
Hillary Clinton in Saudi Arabia by a pedophile
Lewis Carroll was a pedophile, right?
I know im stressed! We’re under a time frame on this and I’m all over the place trying to spread what I can to inquiring minds that are ready for truth but still trying to read through the threads and ask questions and do research
Not enough time !!!
Oh my gosh! Disgusting- a good read for children my ass. I can’t believe they made her the “heroine”
Huma is Snow White? Didn’t Hilary say huma was like her step daughter? Is huma dead? Captured? Where the f is huma?
What? Can’t you tell us this one? I
know it’s important for us to find the answers ourselves
I’m so behind reading through though in this thread because I’m researchingbin the side