Anonymous ID: vDlfJEyz Nov. 4, 2017, 10:43 p.m. No.148030255   🗄️plebs


>ition” to Assad) and ISIS today.

>Why do I believe Huma Abedin, who has been a Clinton intimate for some twenty years ever since she was 19, is at the heart of an illegal criminal conspiracy characterized as “bigger than Watergate”?

>Because Huma Abedin is at the center of a criminal international terror network that is behind every major Islamist terrorist group active in the world since the CIA created the Afghan Mujahideen in the end of the 1970’s as part of its Operation Cyclone. Huma Abedin, the right arm of the potential next US President is Muslim Brotherhood from her head to toes, more precisely, Muslim Sisterhood. And the degree of influence she has over Hillary Clinton, from all close observers, is said to be extraordinary.


Anonymous (ID: jHvGsyLf) 11/04/17(Sat)22:09:37 No.148022068▶>>148022184


>You'll have to understand why I don't believe you. I've been studying all of this for a very long time...

looks legit on Amazon