Reposting due Tao sliding...All of the animated movies mentioned in Q's posts are associated with Disney, correct? Arrested Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal is a major stock holder of Disney, helped bail out EURO Disney. Q wanted us to look at the posts in order, only recently mentioning movies, and said that EU was next. Is this Connection going to lead us to new events? Is Disney a major player in this clusterfuck?
Thanks for your reply, the connection seemed relevant given his arrest, so it was an interesting connection at the time.
Obama is supposed to be serving jury duty in Shitcago in the next few days, or so the local news is saying. I'd rather he be visiting a courthouse in another capacity, but he seems too slippery to be in that predicament.
Someone please add this! Holy shit!
Al-Waleed is a major shareholder of Disney, helped bailed out Euro Disney!
These questions don't matter in the grand scheme of current's the breadcrumbs leading back to these fuckers that will give us the answers! The questions are more important, because we all pretty much get the gist of what leads up to who that we can meme the hell out of and reach the normies, create critical thinking!
Save this!!! And fuck, now I'm truly frightened.
Holy. shitfuck.