I think someone cracked Qs tripcode
smells fake
hey Spreadsheet Anon ...i think Qs tripcode has been comprimised. That language simply doesn't sound like him.
I just tried to post with tripcode
and it said i was permabanned for CP. anyone confirm??
usually when the 'muh satan' and 'muh jesus' shilling starts, it means the psyops are gong after the stupid jew worshipers and no moar relevant info is to appear. ..just say'n.
if Q was real now he is compromised.
trip codes can be cracked
doit. If i had the time i would.
>computer engineer here
wouldn't take me but a few days, but i have 3 projects kicking my ass
There is a shill going around everyfucking thread on 4chan spamming
this is how to identify shill (and bad Q trip)