This fucking reeks of larping. Show me a picture of this tripcode posting an AF1 picture
>Hard to swallow.
>Important to progress.
>Who are the puppet masters?
"I care not who writes a country's laws so long as I control it's money"
>House of Saud (6+++) - $4 Trillion+
>Rothschild (6++) - $2 Trillion+
>Soros (6+) - $1 Trillion+
>Focus on above (3).
Wait what the fuck, 2 trillion per rothschild is a fucking myth. There's no reason to believe the wealth is A) reported accurately by that site, and B) split evenly between the family
>Public wealth disclosures – False.
>Many governments of the world feed the ‘Eye’.
Eye is being use as a term for the puppet master organization
>Think slush funds (feeder).
>Think war (feeder).
>Think environmental pacts (feeder).
>Triangle has (3) sides.
Implies the people in control are taking a slice at every turn in the river of blood money
>Eye of Providence.
>Follow the bloodlines.
Noble families
>What is the keystone?
The force that holds everything together
>Does Satan exist?
The propensity for mankind to do evil certainly exists, and adhering to that is adhering to Satan
>Does the ‘thought’ of Satan exist?
See above
>Who worships Satan?
Those who worship themselves
>What is a cult?
A belief branded as heretical by the group
>Epstein island.
>What is a temple?
A place to worship ideas
>What occurs in a temple?
Of one form or another yes, I know you're implying rituals. That or you're referring to how temples are tax schemes to funnel money
>Why is the temple on top of a mountain?
To bring it closer to the heavens or take it farther from the commoners
sage for larp