IT WAS FASTER FOR ME TO WRITE IT DOWN... yeah yeah I am a newb!
Pic related
IT WAS FASTER FOR ME TO WRITE IT DOWN... yeah yeah I am a newb!
Pic related
3+'s and one side of the triangle or pyramid was the Saudi's we know they are gone. Two pluses is another level of the pyramid or eight side of the triangle and that was attributed to the Rothschilds. We know that he tweeted out the two pluses which must mean the Roth Childs are down . All that's left now is the one plus sign that is associated with sorrow's. That must mean he is the last to go down. If you arrange the +'s in numerical order one on top then two and then three on the bottom they make a pyramid or a triangle!!
That should say one side not eight... my apologies I am trigger happy. Gonna shut my yap now...
+++ triangle or pyramid each associated with a certain name