Anonymous ID: n3ku9Doa Nov. 11, 2017, 8:57 p.m. No.149065921   🗄️plebs

Can someone please compile an image of sourced things that Q got right from the VERY BEGINNING? Because every time I read through it, I see a Podesta indictment that didn't happen, a Huma indictment that didn't happen, an 11/5 revolution that didn't happen, a DJT tweet that didn't happen, and a whole lot of fucking larping by various anons pretending to be the original larp afterward. If someone could compile just a QRD image of all the things the very first Q poster got absolutely right, that would quell all doubt in my and a lot of anons minds. But until you guys can produce that, I'm just gonna keep popping in every dozen threads or so to call you guys LARPing faggots