>>Who are the Wizards & Warloc[k]s? >>
>>What council do the Wizards & Warlocks control?>>
>>Think Snowden (inside terms dropped).>>
Direct quote from movie Snowden: Snowden: I'm sorry, who are you with?
Sol: (pulls out his badge with lanyard around his neck.) No Such Agency. I'm Gabriel Sol. I'm the ah, 50 lb. brain from the council of wizards and warlocks.
Snowden: 'scuse me?
Sol: Give me your intel for Bucharest dude. (pulls Snowden's ID up by hand) Unless theres another Dave Churchyard?
does NSC/NSA = W&W? also referred to W&W in docu of Snowden with Guardian which could be meaning of "inside term" dropped...i.e. Wizards & Warlocks by Snowden