This thread seems to just be the tendency for people to generate conspiracy theories here. Of course everything has meaning, but it seems like you're just fishing for apparent 'confirmations' that lead to nowhere. You'll just take credit when something big happens.
I became interested when Tara McCarthy suggested there might be a ten day black out. I've been vaguely interested in this whole thing but watching at a much slower pace and from this distance it is basically a bunch of nothing.
I wonder if Tara taking a break from twitter is related.
How do you know this? Did Q predict the triple +?
It's always close. Admittedly there are many happenings right now because of the impending conflict but really this is probably a LARP and the guy is just fishing. People come to these threads for emotional porn and do the interpreting for them.
A happening will eventually take place and it will have something to do with some cryptic LARP fest fueled by conspiracy fans. Some of them are addicts at this point.
Tara McCarthy wondered if Q was a senator? Are you suggesting that Q is just an autist on /pol?
I still feel that this is a giant LARP and it annoys me that whatever happenings take place will be attributed to this LARPer.
I have refrained and am yet safe.