new shill tactics verified, pic related.
Far up in the north
The nights can be so dark
Biting cold takes its toll on the body
Grýla casts her spell
In the depths of the mind
Damaging happiness and the joy of life
Hope and faith, don't you fail me now
Hope and faith, come and warm my heart
Hope and faith, fill me up with strength
Hope and faith, shine down with bright light
Hope and faith, give me back my joy
Hope and faith in the dark of night
Von og trú mig vantar núna
Von og trú sem yljar hjarta
Von og trú sem virkjar krafta
Von og trú með ljósið bjarta
Von og trú sem vekur gleði
Von og trú í myrkrið svarta
LOVE=True Hope+True Faith
True Hope=hope in the greatest possible outcome (probabilties, meme magick)
True Faith= genuine Trust in the unknown (again, probabilities, meme magick.
When someone acquires True Hope and True Faith, they attain Love, and Love=God=Truth
Kek=primordial chaos, which is essentialy undifferetiated infinite potential, eternally.
Truth=Love=God=YHVH=Order From Chaos
We control the narrative and reality now because we summoned the primordial chaos, and wielded it to bring Truth From Chaos.