Some perspective on who we are and why we're important to the big picture:
In recent years, we have seen significant new use of anonymity crop up in “good guy” activism and
internet hactivism often “branded” with the identifying term, “Anonymous.” It’s important for people to
understand what this particular movement is and what it is not.
First of all, Anonymous is not a group of people. It is an idea embraced mostly by a loosely knit social
network of intelligent, skillful and empathetic people spanning the whole civilized world - reared largely
on third world and austerity repression; rooted in the freedom of the internet; and expressed in timely,
organized, righteous dissent against abusive entities and social systems. It has become, in fact, the only
meaningful expression of force for the virtues of justice and equity Christianity stood for before the
commercial pursuits of the business ran away with the doctrines of the faith and muted all such
expression. Being an international fighting force, it is also sometimes called by the ancient Roman term
for the same, "Legion." And the defense of personal anonymity is the only real battle there is anywhere
in the world for true freedom.
Anonymous functions as a “collective” not always comprised of all the same individuals. Through online
conversations anyone can propose an action of Anonymous. Proposed actions then filter through
experienced circles where they may find opposition or refinement and draw their own subset of “anons”
who consider it a worthy cause. It is only then in the actual enactment of a proposed event that the
collective materializes and exists. Afterwards, it disbands and has no residual, genuine expression of
itself. It leaves only the results of its work to make its statement and to declare its purpose.