Wanna know the Truth?
Dropping a little piece of the bread...
Who is Hitler?
Who is his handler?
WHY oh WHY did Hitler march his troops to Russia in WINTER?
WHY oh WHY did Hitler move all his troops to Pas de Calais?
WHY oh WHY did Hitler have no troops present at Normandy?
WHY oh WHY did Hitler round up all the Jews?
WHY oh WHY did Hitler never get assassinated?
Tell me can you have a country in the middle of Europe that is poor?
WHY oh WHY did Germany take all the debt of WW1?
Tell me is it easier to rebuild 1 country rather then a few?
Was Hitler told to round up the Jews so they could go to the promised land?
What Empire was defeated in WW1?
Did the British Empire retake the promised land? Jerusalem?
Where is Hitler at the end of war?
Did he abandon his troops?
Did he conscript every able body to join the war and fight for country?
Or was he just rounding them all up for IKE?(((KIKE)))
Was Hitler a puppet? You tell me
Renaissance 2.0