Just wanted to reply to the previous point in thread #449 - regarding vaccines and the DNA alteration claims (molecular biologist here).
Thread was archived just before i could post.
>You know that the particles we breath in go through the immune systems. They body like a computer makes a memory of it.
Yes, that how we build resistance to various shit, which will be remembered (most of the time) by our immune system.
>When you get vaccinated it goes straight to the blood. The body is overloaded and causes mini strokes in the brain.
Nope. You may want to study what is and how the hematoencephalic barrier (aka blood–brain barrier) works.
>Google Dr. Andrew Moulden. You will understand.
I’ll look into it, just for the sake of it, but please also consider this: if you really think that all scientists in the world are conspiring and that only a few people speak up, then I would have lost all hope in humanity – I would certainly speak up, even if it would raise major risks for my integrity; I couldn’t stand being silent and so would most of the scientists I know too.
I feel sorry for the kids not getting the important vaccines (i.e. not like anti-flu).
>your thoughts on the flu vaccine?
I personally don’t think it’s necessary to get it – at least if you are young and in general good health. The reason why people get the flu every year or so, is because two ‘binders’ on the virus shell change more or less randomly each time (they are called Hemagglutinin and Neuraminidase – hence the flu name H1N5 for example: H type 1 and N type 5). My personal take is that humanity get the flu since the beginning of times, we survive it and get over it. Let your immune system handle it naturally, unless your are a person at risk (old or with compromised immune system. Just be sure to get vitamins in winter and don’t get cold!