I'm the fag that asked about flu vaccine...
I'm recovering from a triple bypass, does that count as "compromised immune system"? Bearing in mind I'm only in my 30's & my heart probelm was genetic, not lifestyle (or steroids).
I'm the fag that asked about flu vaccine...
I'm recovering from a triple bypass, does that count as "compromised immune system"? Bearing in mind I'm only in my 30's & my heart probelm was genetic, not lifestyle (or steroids).
Makes you wonder if the Fuhrer being in Argentina had anything to do with the falklands war...
"those are OUR pointless, barely habitable little rocks covered in bird shit a million miles from anywhere! OURS! SEND THE FLEET!"
cheers brah!
what i do, is ask everyone who seems to have a clue, compile their answers & make a decision from there. So far nobody's managed to convince me not to get it. thanks for the input tho, appreciated. :)
you should throw in eisenhower's TV warning about the MIC