absolut true
im so glad they change the directions from only lies to tell the truth
hope this goes far far straight on
with meme magic
and fucking meme
the verfassungschutz!
nsu, the ultimate redpill!
and thats it!
they just wanted to put the faggots back in game
and all loves fdp now
alles THEATHER für idioten wie dich
>Solange es funktioniert...
da geb ich dir recht!
solange es funktioniert macht es spass sich die möchtegern tränen anzugucken, von den Parteibuchträgern, die den Schweinetrog verlassen muessen
>bleibt aber dabei, nur theather!!!! nächste woche sieht alles anders aus, ich glaub nicht an neuwahlen
i know its not mine, an old one
it not original sauce, but the same shit
das werd ich wenns soweit ist!
it must be well done
just keep up droping redpills in your daily live
like i do
just be aware of the right dosis of the redpills
to much truth at the same time make them
return to cognitive dissonance
"We swear to be a nation of true brothers,
Never to part in danger and in death."
"Wir wollen sein ein einzig Volk von Bruedern,
In keiner Noth uns trennen und Gefahr."
"We swear we will be free as were our sires
And sooner die than live in slavery."
"Wir wollen frei sein wie die Vaeter waren,
Eher den Tod, als in der Knechtechaft leben."
but dont underestimate the trump curse
hopfully he will not only cut the cia ties from germoney, maybe he´ll help us to get rid of the swamp
shes a puppet of the atlantic brücke and the mossad
we now dude
the rabbit is nice....
bc (((they))) use it as well
i duno, hack their own advertising may be also good
we need to spread the truth
illuminate their lies
and spread it in form of memes!
Lies are in bananistan still a good base for memetic warfare!
i just mentioned the very old book "alice in wonderland", and all the new stuff came to sunlight in the jfk files.
remember her ties to the jews, than the Atlantikbrücke and the ties to the US. Kanzlerakte and so on.... there are A LOT OF THINGS we need and want to know.
i would not be suprised, if the upperclass/politclass in bananistan/eu is in defcon4 mode since we meme´d donald in presidency
for ideas, just browse the afd breads and have a look in ops meme links
the only way to wake ppl up, is revisionist history, and show how deep we are poisened with deepstate shit and secret service
than we need to get back our sovereignty
and get rid of all those aliens
the fastest way is the afd
look how triggered they are
NAZIS everywhere
in germoney, whe you say the truth
you are instantly a nazi!
its getting worse like the sjw in US
thanks soros!
thanks merkel
thanks grüne
thanks fdp
thanks to ALL the fkn politclowns!
but the pressure came from afd
which started this "Rechtsruck" (jump to the right)
the fdp WAS DEAD!!!!!!