Unironically and sincerely put aside the time to work through reading all the spreadsheet questions and answers.
If you aren't a clown or shill you will thank me
Have you worked through the spreadsheet yet my son?
We are the Storm
We extinguish the fires of Moloch
Wow someone writing that brazenly, I hope they're ok
>On 14 April 2015, I presented a lengthy video deconstruction of the 2013 Boston Marathon incident through the Caravan to Midnight radio show/podcast. About a week later (on 20 April of all days), the nearly four-hour video presentation was uploaded to YouTube. Not long after that, someone using the username Phoenix Archangel posted an interesting comment: "John [Wells, the host of the show] always signs off with some of the best advice ever. Speaking of advice: this David McGowan fella really ought to quit smoking. With all the elitist feathers he's ruffling, he's likely to come down with a spontaneous case of hitherto undiagnosed stage 4 inoperable Pancreatic cancer."
He died aged 55, on the 52nd anniversary of the assassination of President John F Kennedy, 6 months after being diagnosed with an unusually aggressive form of lung cancer.
yeah my god who would want to stop elite pedophiles from destroying the world?
Allah commanded you not to worship Moloch yet you did anyway