>Implying a singular public puppet actually controls it.
You people are so pathetic no wonder we own you.
>Implying a singular public puppet actually controls it.
You people are so pathetic no wonder we own you.
We own you.
Get fucked.
Keep watching marvel movies and die for me, the good always defeats evil.
Im russian meme flag loser.
Jews btfo we dont control the federal reaerve no more oh nooooooooo :(
Like i said. We own you. Go die for me in some desert goy.
All of you. Lol. Pathetic neets. Stay poor and pathetic forever. Goodbye.
My life is worth more than all the gentiles in the world, youre all dirt, tools for us to use. Get fucked now boy.
I like to revere in my comfy safe country and laugh about the enrichement of europe and the fall of the west to degeneracy and despair.
I feed on your pain.
Each type a somali rafugee rapes a european girl, God has spoken.
Youre all play things, servants, goy toys.
You have no souls. You exist to serve muppet.
You are already dead anyway. In 10 years youre all gonna be actual niggers. What you gonna do when your daughter fucks a nigger ? Lol. What a timeline. We won.