Act II = ++ = Roths?
Scene IV = 4 = Mission to extract 4th Roth failed? Maybe they've already got 3.
Good guy grabs Roth.
Bad guy flies plane into Heli.
Bad guys kill Roth before he can testify or something.
>You guys suck -Q
Act II = ++ = Roths?
Scene IV = 4 = Mission to extract 4th Roth failed? Maybe they've already got 3.
Good guy grabs Roth.
Bad guy flies plane into Heli.
Bad guys kill Roth before he can testify or something.
>You guys suck -Q
>Rothschild (6++) - $2 Trillion+
Is he saying there after 6 Rothchilds.
Act II = ++ = Rothchilds.
Scene IV = 4th Rothchild mission.
Extraction failed, IV Roth dead.