It took days for them to identify the fourth victim. Why? Because they didn't want the true victim made public. So it took them days to come up with a cover identity and to fly a foreign corpse (needed one for autopsy) to the U.K. Worked with Vietnam on this. It could have been JR.
Because it was Rothschild but they wanted to hide the fact. They needed a body. So they went abroad to Vietnamese assets. Couldn't use any old Brit. Took time to get the body to be able to autopsy and identify it as the Nam guy.
What if the body wasn't in Viet Nam. They just needed a fresh stiff.
A FOREIGNER stiff. Couldn't get a local that would pass cover.
No. They autopsied a Vietnamese DAYS LATER.
It makes NO SENSE that Green would be instructing or ferrying a Vietnamese National 1,000 feet over the Rothschild Estate.
Also, TWO U.K. initial press reports said "Lord Rothschild Feared Dead". Now why would ANY reporter/paper jump the gun about a V.I.P. unless they had first hand accounts. JC probably routinely used Green and that same helo for transport to and from the Estate. When it went down and FOUR bodies were discovered the reporters got the tip and ran with Rothschild being the victim.