NightBaker !!6kZ44O8g0Wt ID: X3dvJ/Xf Nov. 21, 2017, 9:05 p.m. No.150425553   🗄️plebs   >>5668 >>5871

May God Bless You Q and Team


And keep you and all anons from the dark that has prevailed.


Let it dissipate and fade as we know that it shall.


Let the light shine in on the world and all it's beautiful people.


Let us live in peace and with you God.


I'm the name of Jesus Christ.



NightBaker !!6kZ44O8g0Wt ID: X3dvJ/Xf Nov. 21, 2017, 9:14 p.m. No.150426402   🗄️plebs   >>6498 >>6669 >>9456

>What other events do they attend together?


>Art events, spirit cooking (Marina Abramovic). Temple events?


Who wears the symbolism?


>Rothschilds, every popular music personality (Madonna, Miley Cyrus, Lady Gaga, JZ, basically everyone of them). Will post more.


>tfw you knew in your heart this was true and Q confirms

NightBaker !!6kZ44O8g0Wt ID: X3dvJ/Xf Nov. 21, 2017, 9:41 p.m. No.150429218   🗄️plebs   >>9328 >>9336 >>9547 >>0599


Holding you close n comfy.


Pray to God and Jesus senpai.


Imagine a ball of light protecting you.


See it. Feel it. See it covering the whole globe.


You are protected anon.


Don't worry. Don't worry. We have God on our side. Never forget that.