Anonymous ID: 0xR3GJeK Nov. 22, 2017, 9:09 a.m. No.150484040   🗄️plebs   >>8053


good post from last thread about CERNUNNOS

during PG, a fellow team member had a dream about a horned god and drew it so that we could figure out what was going on / what god it was

when it was revealed that cernunnos was a god, none of us had heard of it, but that was it. the stag of the forest, the "nature" thing, or as andrew breitbart put it, "the leftist gaia-fetish"

cernunnos is oft depicted with a TORQ

that is something that i didn't ever really figure out

the torq is generally around one or both of his horns

a torq is a magnetic vortex thing (think magnetic bracelets that folks wear)

has anyone looked into torq? or have any insight here?

one thing that I've known since i was very young is that the felt from the antlers of a deer can be ingested by a male to produce a Viagara X 1000 erection

Anonymous ID: 0xR3GJeK Nov. 22, 2017, 9:10 a.m. No.150484185   🗄️plebs   >>6674

this is another depiction of cernunnos

this time holding a torq

oh look how convenient

looks like i've been mandela'd or they changed the spelling to TORC

Anonymous ID: 0xR3GJeK Nov. 22, 2017, 9:18 a.m. No.150485034   🗄️plebs   >>5512

i had always asked myself, why put your symbols everywhere?

why have the damn symbols everywhere?

people answered, "because it gives them power"

i'm going.... wait.... what

but the more i thought about it

and after owning a company for many years

i thought this:

what if i had my logo in everyone's pocket and/or on every street corner

i'd have a lot of damn money is what would happen

putting a symbol everywhere would indeed give it power.

Anonymous ID: 0xR3GJeK Nov. 22, 2017, 9:25 a.m. No.150485781   🗄️plebs   >>6051


when Jesus cast "Legion" out of the possessed man, what happened?

well at first, the demon said "it... it's... not time.." and Jesus said "what is your name?" to which the demon replied, "Legion"

Jesus cast the demon out into a HERD of pigs

the pigs ran down the hill into the river and drowned

what happened to the demons? did they die?

do demons require oxygen?


they didn't die.

there is nothing you can do in that regard, anon. only the Good Lord can do this one.

just be aware and make your family aware. this is GOD pouring his spirit out on man.

Anonymous ID: 0xR3GJeK Nov. 22, 2017, 9:29 a.m. No.150486124   🗄️plebs   >>6240


think about this... CHRISTopher COLUMBus

>"Christ of Columns"

Why the caduceus / pole with a serpent everywhere? why is that in medicine?

It goes back to the time of Moses when the pharaoh's magicians were able to do the things that aaron and moses were doing - and in particular throwing down their staff and having it become a snake

The columns, the pillars, joachin/boaz/whatever. Those are just ways for the satanists to make fun of God

Anonymous ID: 0xR3GJeK Nov. 22, 2017, 9:34 a.m. No.150486629   🗄️plebs



and athena is aphrodite is diana is liberte is ....

i wrote down about 300 different names for the false mother goddess, aka AL (owl)

alpha lambda (greek; notice lambda character in bohemian club logo)

alef lamed (hebrew)

why the letter L? well

it was one of the bullshit things they got into the KJV of the Bible in Isaiah 14:12 with the word Lucifer.

bad translation.

why did the little rock, arkansas shooting (which was very fake) have its primary symbol the lamed hebrew character? (answer: because of the bullshit satan worship)

pic related, the lamed character is on the red wall of the building on the left side, middle

Anonymous ID: 0xR3GJeK Nov. 22, 2017, 9:37 a.m. No.150486926   🗄️plebs


checked and very correct

the "star of david" as we know it is actually the star of remphan

this is without a doubt in my mind, and beyond all everything else that i could ever believe now

ISRAEL the nation was formed to confuse Bible believers into thinking they should support it. how could you go against "israel" ?? it's in the Bible!

but not in the sense that they've created Israel the country. That's for damn sure. They literally have the star of satan on their flag. People wear it..