DEATH TO THE TRIUMVIRATE ID: Mz7zeWUY Nov. 22, 2017, 8:56 a.m. No.150482746   🗄️plebs   >>2984


>Why do you guys from rebbit constantly talk down about the people who come here

Not from reddit nor do I talk down about people who come here. You know a lot of shit that isn't so.

DEATH TO THE TRIUMVIRATE ID: Mz7zeWUY Nov. 22, 2017, 8:57 a.m. No.150482874   🗄️plebs   >>3142 >>7770 >>8903

James Alefantis is a Rothschild.


Look up James Alefantis Roger Rothschild. Somebody put the doxx on pastebin.


Like there was any doubt. Did you see the list of properties he owned? Pizza parlor owner my ass.

DEATH TO THE TRIUMVIRATE ID: Mz7zeWUY Nov. 22, 2017, 9:01 a.m. No.150483244   🗄️plebs   >>3530


>Answer the questions. Why is a Rothschild gatekeeping this thread?

That's your question, not Q's question. Stop hijacking the post for your own disinfo.

DEATH TO THE TRIUMVIRATE ID: Mz7zeWUY Nov. 22, 2017, 9:05 a.m. No.150483696   🗄️plebs   >>4012 >>4057 >>5164


So because I told you to prove something, that means I don't believe in it? Man, you operate on some shit-ass logic. Did they kick you out in Kindergarten for shoving too many markers up your ass? I was pointing out your pathetic perspective that any claim, to be confirmed, must be demonstrated beyond a shadow of a doubt even excluding coincidence. Do you know how often scientific and historiographic "facts" change? You're the prime example of an "I fucking love science!" normie who could even do a standard to metric conversion. Your capacity for anti-intellectualism is painfully gargantuan. Seriously, go fuck a baby in the street and cut your throat while doing it.

DEATH TO THE TRIUMVIRATE ID: Mz7zeWUY Nov. 22, 2017, 9:13 a.m. No.150484475   🗄️plebs   >>5131


What a stupid image. "NOTHING EVER HAPPENS"? So the world is entirely static and unchanging? What stupid fucking cuck came up with that mind-meltingly cretinous pile of baboon shit?

DEATH TO THE TRIUMVIRATE ID: Mz7zeWUY Nov. 22, 2017, 9:28 a.m. No.150486036   🗄️plebs   >>6399 >>6561

It is to be expected that when you are uprooting the control complex of a bunch of power-addicted pedophiles, there will be concerted effort to stop you. Who would have thought they would have applied so much effort to an imageboard for shitposting?

DEATH TO THE TRIUMVIRATE ID: Mz7zeWUY Nov. 22, 2017, 9:30 a.m. No.150486232   🗄️plebs

The shills will keep attacking me as long as I provide worthwhile content. Notice they provide none themselves.

DEATH TO THE TRIUMVIRATE ID: Mz7zeWUY Nov. 22, 2017, 9:32 a.m. No.150486508   🗄️plebs

This one is hard for me to even swallow, but it's worth a look. These motherfuckers are pretty brazen.

DEATH TO THE TRIUMVIRATE ID: Mz7zeWUY Nov. 22, 2017, 9:36 a.m. No.150486845   🗄️plebs

You know you're onto something when they start actually memeing YOU in order to chase you off.

DEATH TO THE TRIUMVIRATE ID: Mz7zeWUY Nov. 22, 2017, 9:48 a.m. No.150488085   🗄️plebs


Apparently CIAniggers realized the bots are easy to spot and are now employing the concern troll faggots who spend time trying to fight with others to drain our resources. The changing tactics at least matches their methodology.