THEOCRATIC BANDS. War in Heaven...
"A. Well, many of the occultists had some conscious knowledge of what we were doing, and were actively co-operating.
Unfortunately, some of them actively opposed us by trying to turn their lodge into a Theocratic Cult. Possessing advanced occult knowledge doesn't automatically make a person morally virtuous. Even today, some of the advanced occult lodges derived from the Masonic-Rosicrucian tradition are "Black Lodges" (lodges under the control of the Theocrats).
It's extremely important for your readers to realize that Theocratic enslavement and psychic vampirism are not things that happen only to disembodied spirits after death.
Living people can do virtually the same things to other living people
A number of present-day rock groups are actually bands of living Theocrats, enslaving their fans and draining energy from them at concerts. This last type of living Theocrat is especially dangerous right now, because such people can influence a large number of people who listen to their music on records or over the radio, using electronic mind control techniques that we will describe later.
One of the worst things about this movement is that some of these people have made the breakthrough. They know what they are doing, and they still do it."