Anonymous ID: mobNCuOu Nov. 22, 2017, 6:29 p.m. No.150546874   🗄️plebs

Is Prince Philip a god?


re: Cargo Cults


High in a mist-shrouded mountain village, an ancient tribe patiently awaits the return of its divine leader.

He is no mere mortal like themselves, dressed as they are in and straw sheaths to protect their modesty — rather, they believe he is the human face of an ancestral spirit who left their island many moons ago to look for a bride.


Their legend tells how this spiritual ancestor ended up in England — and eventually married a queen. Which explains why the Duke of Edinburgh, who is well aware of his role as a god in the eyes of the Yaohnanen tribe, has established a curious relationship with these people, who dwell in a simple village in the centre of the Vanuatu island of Tanna in the South Pacific.