All movies mentioned are Paramount/Co-ops.
look at Suhail Rizvi
Rizvi Playboy
Rizvi Bin Talal
All movies mentioned are Paramount/Co-ops.
look at Suhail Rizvi
Rizvi Playboy
Rizvi Bin Talal
Godfather 3, Jason Bourne, Sum of all Fears.....
Gold is a shiny thing to distract people.
Dig less. Names and real info is surrounded by gold, Illuminati, aliens, and jew references. Look back at all movies and real names.
Look for once.
There you go. Suhail Rizvi. Who was GIVEN Playboy Enterprises?
Finally. Look at Suhail. Google image search and see him with Bin Talal.
Fuck current investments. Look back and see that he personally made the deal which Hef took in order to receive 1 million per year and lifetime occupancy at the mansion.
another 2 minutes and a 1 week search will show you he made a 20.5 million dollar deal 2 days ago
funded by Saudi. Strings now cut.
There is no phone call. Their voices are too weak.