Anonymous ID: C6F+AWfM Nov. 24, 2017, 1:33 p.m. No.150769110   🗄️plebs   >>9633 >>0272

So everyone need to go watch The Mole People with John Agar. Got it. Here's what I don't get: what does that have to do with bribes for uranium and locking up John Podesta? We swing back and forth in these conversations between the mundane of corruption and crimes on the one hand, and earth-shattering esoterica on the other hand, without reason. If they're tied together, how? If not, let's deal with the simpler one we started with.


99% of people couldn't handle finding out there's an advanced civilization living inside the earth? I disagree, but okay, fine. Don't tell them right away. But can't we go ahead with burning Podestas at the stake?

Anonymous ID: C6F+AWfM Nov. 24, 2017, 1:43 p.m. No.150770103   🗄️plebs   >>0582


All fair, except that it's not "just to extract vengeance." It's for justice, and it's to make sure the satanists aren't able to rebuild their control. You want to leave some people in place who weren't involved in the worst of it, that's fine. But if everyone at the top at Mayo has been squeezing people for fluids and organs, you can't keep half those people and tell them they'd better be on their best behavior from now on. That's insane. That's no alternative to shutting it down -- at least shutting it down stops the sacrifices. Dying is better than that.

Anonymous ID: C6F+AWfM Nov. 24, 2017, 1:51 p.m. No.150770901   🗄️plebs


We pretty much knew that, even back then. Clintons and their apologists said the nuclear tech was only for power, couldn't be used for weapons. Conservatives said that was bullshit, nukes are ultimately nukes. Then a few years later NK started talking about having nukes.

Anonymous ID: C6F+AWfM Nov. 24, 2017, 1:52 p.m. No.150771071   🗄️plebs   >>1600


That pic looks weirdly fake, like they were filmed in front of a green screen and then pasted in amongst each other or something. They're arranged funny and the colors are weird.

Anonymous ID: C6F+AWfM Nov. 24, 2017, 1:56 p.m. No.150771486   🗄️plebs


The trick is to indict and convict everyone around them, and let them be convicted in the court of public opinion. Eventually the people will demand justice. And with two D's and two R's, it'll even be a bipartisan cleansing.

Anonymous ID: C6F+AWfM Nov. 24, 2017, 2:02 p.m. No.150772078   🗄️plebs


Without flying over the pole myself, how can I know that any image I'm looking at is unaltered? Answer: I can't, so that part of the exercise is pointless. We can proceed to the next breadcrumb -- what would I see if I had an unaltered picture, and why -- or be done there.

Anonymous ID: C6F+AWfM Nov. 24, 2017, 2:11 p.m. No.150772929   🗄️plebs


I don't think "burn it all down" and "leave some of the worst people in charge" are the only two options. There have gotta be decent people running smaller hospitals and clinics who could be brought it to run a place like Mayo if everyone there is a full-blown satanist. Odds are only the ones at the top would know the whole story anyway, so promote people. I think there will be room to compromise, without leaving people in charge who still yearn for the taste of human flesh.