Shitty genetics, economic conditions, and fear for being able to obtain the necessities of life also significantly increase the chances of riots.
Jews, also.
Shitty genetics, economic conditions, and fear for being able to obtain the necessities of life also significantly increase the chances of riots.
Jews, also.
It's an old plan actually. I forget if it was out of Albert Speer or what, but the general idea is that WWIII will pit the Muslims against the Christians so they destroy each other and abandon their religions in favor a new global fake paganism while the Jews keep laughing to the bank.
I see Central and Eastern Europe as potential strongholds for counter-revolution. Poland standing up for its no rapefugees stance and then demanding war reparations on top of it is awesome.
Stay strong bros.
Like the Protocols it doesn't matter whether its debunked or not or whether everything has been going according to that plan or not.
The MIT niggers and others who help construct the policies for the government to follow will pick anything they need to out of history as a general pattern to provide a solution to a perceived problem, and the actual occultists and that whole crowd will always jump at an opportunity to serve their masters once whatever makes sense at an academic level aligns with what makes sense in their secret clubs.
If it's not a message you can receive then you might as well hit up youtube and listen to numbers stations. If it's meant to influence your opinion or information then it would be in a format that you can understand.
Doesn't matter. LARP? Somebody using /pol/ to fence a message? If it has no effect then ignore it.
you know he's spunking across the room when good all freedom comes on at the end
From the bits and pieces I've bothered to read, Frank at least is putting out datapoints worth remembering for the most part.
Shit-tier logging system. I wrote better back in assembly language back in the DOS era.
You're making my pantsu wet