Anonymous ID: 4a928d July 23, 2020, 4:06 p.m. No.10058877   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8892 >>8913 >>8919 >>8920 >>9058 >>9114




The muhjoo shills, because of the sheer quantity of unsourced accusations about Jews they copypasta here, leads me to believe that the source are trying to portray this site, and Qanons as 'fascists' and 'nazis', so that sleeping sheep get triggered into becoming militia fighters on behalf of the enemies of Q.

"We needed to shut the site down because it is a fascist uprising" would be [their] goal.

Q did post the meme of a man wearing a Star of David pendant necklace standing in a pool of Russian, Hungarian, Polish and Ukrainian blood asking "Why do they prosecute me so?" while holding a bloody knife.

My working theory is that "The Great Deceivers" are Satanists calling themselves Jews, whose families orchestrated both world wars (wars fake/controlled, but with real deaths and destruction), and they HID BEHIND JEW VICTIMHOOD so that the people of the world never suspect that they are the culprits.

My guess is that the true purpose of Hitler, who was himself a puppet, was to portray a "Blame ALL Jews, kill ALL Jews" evil genocidal maniac 'persona', so that the Satanists hiding as Jews could then have a pretext to go after any 'small people' who would dare challenge their authority over 'the narrative', the 'small people' who somehow found a way to the truth would be relentlessly attacked and 'character assassinated' as Nazis and Fascists to the public, and 'the public' would then go after that 'small person' on behalf of those who pushed the controlling narrative.

They would of course use 'real' neo-nazi low lifes, impressionable/gullible, for false flag psyops to make the people believe fascism and nazism are permanent 'threats around the corner'.

Like the way they use school shooters.

They pushed in movie after movie about the (yes, evil) nazis, omitting the GREATER EVIL Bolshevik genocides almost entirely, they pushed this in TV, newspapers, schools, etc, etc, etc.

It's so subtle to detect because the way they did this is to control the information which controls people's bodies, so they always had 'real world bodies' they could name and shame, evil people to refer to and use as 'real' boogeymen, because they hope that people would not ask questions beyond "Hitler ordered killings of Jews, he's evil, period." They don't want us to ask, "Ok, yes, Hitler was Evil…but who really controlled/handled Hitler?"

We see around us in 2020 a Democrat Party whose members are CLEARLY being instructed, controlled, financed and handled by more 'powerful' people, who are not even American citizens themselves.

If that can happen in 2020, it is not at all difficult to believe an Austrian dictator 85-90 years ago could also have been controlled for a specific purpose.

Hitler didn't act alone.

His 'role' was to make the world fall asleep to a manufactured, but with very real killings, real wars, to cover for communists orchestrating a massive extermination slaughter of non-Jews throughout eastern Europe and Russia.

Anonymous ID: 4a928d July 23, 2020, 4:07 p.m. No.10058892   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9058 >>9114



While the world was, justifiably, and rightly, asking governments to stop Hitler, he wasn't the only evil dictator, and if we go by number killed, he was nowhere close to being as evil as Stalin and Mao. If Hitler was evil because he had many Jews killed (I agree he was evil), then Stalin and Mao were way worse, for they killed many more tens of millions.

I then ask myself, why is it that we keep seeing movies and TV and 'deep state' media focus all the time on Hitler, and not Stalin or Mao?

My working theory is that the media is 'partnered' with the Satanists, to enable the Satanists a cover to hide themselves as Jews, to enable them to accuse anyone who calls them out as 'anti-semitic', to trigger sleeping sheep into attacking on their behalf, anyone who sees [their] narrative and openly talks about it.

Q chose this board to enable anonymity.

Without the world perceiving Jews as victim #1, the Satanists calling themselves Jews become exposed.

The 'lamestream media' and pedowood, logically must be under the control of communists because neither the media nor pedowood seem to ever criticize communist genocides or make movies on it year after year.

It's almost always nazis.

When was the last time we saw a tear jerker movie about the deaths of the millions of Caucasian Ukrainian Christians killed by Stalin's regime?

I was a an avid movie watcher up until a few years ago and I don't think I've ever seen a movie 'dedicated to the millions of lives lost in the Holodomor".

It's always dedicated to victims of the Holocaust.

Remember when Barr said "history is written by the winners" and smirked, and how that set off the media?

Why did that trigger the media?

Because they're used to partnering with the writers of history themselves, and of course by psychological projection they had to deceive their viewers into only perceiving such a belief in the mind of the AG and not the minds of the media presstitutes!

Why is it always 'Hitler killed Jews' in the movies?

Why is it never 'Stalin killed Christians' in the movies?

I know why the media attacks anyone who says all lives matter. It unites the people and exposes those who seek to hide behind race division.

Blacks I believe are being used by [them] as a 'proxy' race to keep people thinking in terms of division by race, to provide cover for the Satanists hiding behind Jews.

The media wants us to attack white people, that much is clear. That leads me to ask, who really controls the media and why do they again want white people to be attacked?

Who are the real racists?

Anonymous ID: 4a928d July 23, 2020, 4:13 p.m. No.10058948   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Yeah see that meme is counter-productive, for it fails to identify anyone by name, it suggests all Jews read ans follow the Talmud, which is empirically not the case.

Most Jews are atheists and do not believe in the Talmud.

Perhaps some 'key' 'influential' Jews do, but the overwhelming majority do not, so they should not be attacked or lumped in with followers of a text that condones such evil.

Anonymous ID: 4a928d July 23, 2020, 4:22 p.m. No.10059053   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>POTUS (asking about Russia and China): "Who's worse?"

[Redacted]: "Both are bad, but Russia is worse"

Christie: "I'm shocked"


Anonymous ID: 4a928d July 23, 2020, 4:25 p.m. No.10059106   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Research more.


No, you need to sauce more.


>Stanley Ann Dunham was born on November 29, 1942, at Saint Francis Hospital in Wichita, Kansas, the only child of Madelyn Lee Payne and Stanley Armour Dunham. She was of predominantly English ancestry, with some Scottish, Welsh, Irish, German and Swiss.



Anonymous ID: 4a928d July 23, 2020, 4:30 p.m. No.10059174   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>The Jew shill cannot say Communists were Jews orchestrating a massive extermination slaughter of CHRISTIANS.


kek, "Jew shill"?


You sound triggered.


I won't write that because not all Bolsheviks were Jews.

Yes, some Jews did kill Christians. That I can say because it does not incorrectly condemn innocent Jews who did not want to join the 'revolution'.


The fact you did not even mention SATANISTS shows you are not at all concerned with stopping the evil you acts you mentioned.

You want Satanists to continue hiding behind Jews and to continue having 'small people' argue in the narrow 'permitted' Jess vs. Non-Jews.

You're a Satan shill.

I'd rather be a Jew shill than a Satan shill.

Anonymous ID: 4a928d July 23, 2020, 4:35 p.m. No.10059214   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9223


It's useless to push an artificial one sided narrative like you are doing, yes.

wtf is a 'sayanim'?

Hitler being democratically elected doesn't make him not evil. Evil people can be and have been democratically elected.

"A lot of Jews" were communists, but "a lot of Jews" were not communists.

Hitler was a PUPPET.