Anonymous ID: 2ec5e9 July 23, 2020, 5:19 p.m. No.10059668   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Just spitballing/lawfaggin':


I can't wait for the malpractice suit ironically, probably a class action for delayed justice caused by his incompetence. Since the class was effectively decertified by the 9th Circus, the final judgment will not be dispositive against anyone but the named plaintiff/[former] class representative.

However, if there is any merit to the claims against Kimberly-Clark, any [former] class member who relied on Avenutty to their detriment probably has a good malpractice claim against him. He should have known better; but never does.

This is especially the case if they allowed their own statute of limitations to run out while relying on their temporary status as a class member.

[Even though the class should never have been certified, the fact that they were members for a while might "toll" the statute of lims from running during that time. So they might catch a break.]

In any event, justice delayed is justice denied and all of those other [former] class plaintiffs must be irate.

This story isn't over. Neither is Avenutty's torment.


The Anons rest, your Honor.

Anonymous ID: 2ec5e9 July 23, 2020, 5:35 p.m. No.10059843   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I used to live in that part of the world. There is an interesting region of CA that runs up the coast from north Orange County, through parts of Long Beach and into the South Bay of L.A., including the "beach cities." This coastal strip is notoriously Dem/Blue country, but it's always been a different kind of blue. Once dominated by longshoremen and aerospace industry workers, it has long been CA's home to a kind of "blue dog" Dem, who is socially and fiscally liberal, but also favors law and order and civil libertarianism.

Don't be shocked if this corridor goes more purple in November, flipping a couple of congressional districts and perhaps giving POTUS a surprise gift in SoCal.