Anonymous ID: 7ca722 July 23, 2020, 5:14 p.m. No.10059624   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Perhaps I am wrong about this or that, but to attribute 'deception' to every error, well if that is the standard you want with me then I can name you as a deceiver, for you have made errors. Let us go through them one by one:

>A 3,000 word Jew shill making excuses for the Jewish Cabal (Cabal comes from the Jewish KABBALA).

First, I am not a 'Jew shill'. So you are deceiving to write that. Second, I am not 'making excuses' for any "Jewish Cabal". So you're deceiving again.

>Dead Giveaway:

>Why is it never 'Stalin killed Christians' in the movies?

>85% of the Bolsheviks were Jews.

That is empirically false. 80% of the LEADERS of the Bolsheviks were Jews, but the entire group of Bolsheviks were not 85% Jews. So you're deceiving on that too.

>the Jew shill picks the one who's not a Jew

Wait, did you just claim that by me calling out Stalin as a murderous dictator, that my motivation was to search high and low and 'cherry pick' Stalin? Are you fucking joking? Please tell me you are sober and not on PCP.

>Last year, an anon posted an entire list of top level Bolshevik Party Jews with their changed to "Christian" Russian names next to their REAL JEWISH names.

Last year? OK, please provide sauce.

>oh there's one guy who's NOT A JEW: Stalin. so it's safe for this Jew to say Stalin killed Christians.

Hahahahaha haha, yeah sorry my bad! I should have ignored A MURDEROUS COMMUNIST DICTATOR WHO KILLED MILLIONS OF RUSSIANS so that I can 'excuse' his behavior and 'excuse' his evil.

I only wanted to make the point that while we see movie after movie of Hitler the dictator, I never see movies on the dictator Stalin. I ask why.

To take that comment and question as trying to pick the first non-Jew and focus on him to 'excuse' Jews is about the dumbest fucking thing I have ever heard on the internet.

>But this Jew shill can't say


Why can't you say Stalin killed millions of Christians?

Yes, there were Jewish members of the Bolshevik party who killed Christians. Just because I am not 100% fixated on the narrow 'Jew vs, non-Jew' 'permitted' narrative 24/7, it doesn't make me a Jew shill, but it does make you a Satan shill by your own standard, because you 'can't say' Satanists kill Christians and Jews and Catholics and Muslims…

Why do you omit the Satanists?

Vladimir Putin, who you may know as the President of Russia, said "The NWO worships Satan".

He knows a thing or two about Christians being genocided in Russia. If Putin can name the Satanists, surely you can. Can you?

If you cannot differentiate between Satanists and Jews, then you would be defending and protecting and promoting all Satanists who are not Jews, like Hussein, or Hillary, to name just a few. You'd be

'excusing' their killings of children because they're not Jews.

If you then say "Yeah but Jews control Hussein and Killary", then I will retort that Satanists control 'the Jews' you refer to.

>as per the Wall St. Journal article 100 Years- 100 Million Dead.


You make it sound like every communist is Jewish and every killing under communism was done by Jews. Estimates of 30-60 million Chinese were killed by Chinese Communists.

If you say "Yeah but Jews controlled China" then I will retort "Yeah but Satanists calling themselves Jews controlled the Jews".

I hope you aren't so obtuse as to believe Chinese Maoists were Jews.


I never said that, why do you attribute a false statement to me.

>Jews are the real racists.

That's what a Satan shill would say, because it only 'permits' recognition of conflict between Jews and non-Jews, it leaves out the worst racists of all, the Satanists.

Anonymous ID: 7ca722 July 23, 2020, 5:20 p.m. No.10059681   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>if hitler was a puppet then they wouldn't have plunged him into war to destroy germany

That doesn't follow.

Hitler didn't destroy Germany, the allies did.

Hitler was a puppet.




>>9646819 (/pb)


and pic.

Anonymous ID: 7ca722 July 23, 2020, 5:22 p.m. No.10059704   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>jEwS wErE nOt CoMmUnIsTs

>now you're just being retarded,


I never wrote that.


I wrote:


"A lot of Jews" were communists, but "a lot of Jews" were not communists.






Are you 'always deceiving?

Anonymous ID: 7ca722 July 23, 2020, 5:35 p.m. No.10059839   🗄️.is 🔗kun


A celebrity does not 'admit' what is not true.

A celebrity could only 'claim' such a thing, subject to proof by empirical evidence, and the evidence is that JFK Jr is dead.

Anonymous ID: 7ca722 July 23, 2020, 5:48 p.m. No.10059960   🗄️.is 🔗kun



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