Anonymous ID: 000000 July 25, 2020, 11:02 p.m. No.10080215   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0230 >>0233 >>0236


I can't watch that another night.

I'm so over this bullshit. All of it.

Half the US population has an IQ under ~90 and have been convinced that the pieces of dog shit that subverted, pillaged and plundered America for the last 50 years bought a bunch of billion dollar corporations to make them more free than the America that existed before they bought all those corporations and spent all that time, effort and money.

They honestly aren't intelligent enough to know how ridiculous that notion is. I just wish they would start killing each other off. There's no fixing stupid. You simply cannot do it.

Let's say we give them everything they want, they get housing, college, food, everything. Now all they'll do is complain about work and then revolt against the labor unions. They're too stupid to realize that the underlying problem is fractional reserve banking and not controlling the issuance of currency. They just don't get it and they will never look to the bankers, even though everywhere the bankers go, war follows.


I want to break away. I am John Gault! Get me the fuck out of here! Point me to something, a test, a challenge that I can know isn't a shill implanted slide waste of time. Tell me how to get the fuck out of this. I want out!

Anonymous ID: 000000 July 25, 2020, 11:21 p.m. No.10080312   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Funny thing about books

You go looking, you're going to find what you're looking for.

All of our history is a big ass lie written by the same controlling interests that own the media, publishers, social media sites and every other medium of communication today.

Anonymous ID: 000000 July 25, 2020, 11:26 p.m. No.10080346   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0361


>why Israel is one of the only semi-safe areas in the Middle East?

They have $10 million dollars a day in US Aid to keep them safe?

(this doesn't take into account all the mafia loot they make from running the worlds organized crime rackets.)

Anonymous ID: 000000 July 25, 2020, 11:31 p.m. No.10080373   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Assuming the moronic assumption that this isn't a ploy to bilk more money out of US Taxpayers for a bullshit project that doesn't seed itself in reality, this would be the only way to truly break away from Usury and Unearned interest on currency.

For a long, drawn out explanation I don't care to go deep into, if there was an "uncrackable" ledger system of all transactions, as they happened in real-time and unable to be manipulated, every dollar in circulation could then be held into account and black market / crime / Usurious lending practices / Unearned interest and the entire bullshit "finance industry" (misleading term if there ever was on) would be rendered obsolete.


"USMil savior of Mankind"? >>Hopium ^

Anonymous ID: 000000 July 25, 2020, 11:35 p.m. No.10080394   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>An enigmatic type of white blood cell could be the key to finding immunity to the novel

Isn't that called building an immunity?

You know, like the entirety of human history…

Anonymous ID: 000000 July 25, 2020, 11:39 p.m. No.10080424   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0445 >>0462


Fuck off faggot


Those things have nothing to do with us.


The end goal is TRUTH. The only master anyone should serve. Those things have no respect for Truth. They have no sense of anything human or higher-mind. They only know covet, get and gimme. They're a cancer upon mankind and have been for 1000's of years. Never in all their history having anything to point to and say, "Hey we made that!" aside from organized crime, deception, looting, profiteering, usury, lending and trafficking of smut, humans, and barbiturates. They're a disease and need to be eradicated.

Anonymous ID: 000000 July 25, 2020, 11:52 p.m. No.10080493   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Havaara agreement.

They didn't escape shit.

They stole from good people of all denominations, backgrounds and types to fund their criminal empire in the west.


"It came from China folks!"

Look and Trosky, Lenin and all the early communists. They're clearly Asiatic. look at the old Tribesmen in Israel. They're obviously of Asian bloodlines.

The term Oriental Jew is a term that got removed from our history but was quite common after WWII. Patton knew, Ford knew, Americans know their history. We need only listen to the word of the Americans they try to erase in order to know who they are.

Anonymous ID: 000000 July 25, 2020, 11:55 p.m. No.10080501   🗄️.is 🔗kun


sorry can't post pics, but look at this guy and tell me you don't see a ching chong

Anonymous ID: 000000 July 26, 2020, 12:04 a.m. No.10080559   🗄️.is 🔗kun


you're trying to account for everyone involved while many of us are only concerned with the controlling entity. Organizations are not autonomous, they rely on a central command structure to maintain efficient operations. The oldest stories we have access to show accounts of practitioners of Kabbalah (ie: Judaism) as international swindlers dating back to Mesopotamia. This gives extreme credence to the idea, that when 8 out of 10 "bad guys" are consistently found to be either themselves jewish or 1 degree away (ie: husband/wife/mother/father) away from a kindred jew, it stands to reason that the tie-in between all international crime syndicates is the judaic tie-in.

What even gives further credence is how the international jewish congress logo mirrors the soviet logo which mirrors the UN logo. The globe and the olive leaves are a common theme. Plus, I don't know of any other group that has their own legal structure assigned to them above and beyond that of the nations aside from jews. Which they do. They have their own world congress. They are above the laws of nations.


This is very damning evidence.

Anonymous ID: 000000 July 26, 2020, 12:11 a.m. No.10080583   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0598 >>0603


>What percentage of Jews do?

Purely a guess from being "of that line" and living in LA most my life, about 10-15% of "Jews" practice Judaism. The rest of us just reap the benefits when convenient and we're honestly really good with numbers by nature. Every one of us, not even joking. I have had many laughs about this with friends.

I've found many of us also have very spotty backgrounds beyond our grandfathers. Don't know if this holds true, but it has in many of my conversations with friends as well. This is also why I'd like to have an open dialogue about the topic but "For some reason" continuously get shouted down when I bring it up with naughty names.

Anonymous ID: 000000 July 26, 2020, 12:19 a.m. No.10080615   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0629 >>0634 >>0650


>I love the jews!

And we loved all our neighbors. Even had the Star of David up for the holidays, then celebrated Christmas as well. This entire thing has been a major WTF? to me as I always thought we were destined to be the saviors of mankind, not the butt-fuckers of humanity. It's disheartening to a degree you can't even imagine to sit here and continuously try to have a conversation about it only to run into "jew" after "jew' saying "You're imagining things! It's not the jews!" "You're an anti-semite!"

FFS can't we just figure out what the fuck is going on without being called bad names for investigating?

I never even considered "It's the Jews!" until a bunch of "jews' gave me a hard time for asking, "Hey guys, what about…."

Anonymous ID: 000000 July 26, 2020, 12:39 a.m. No.10080708   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0819 >>0909

Boris Johnson is set to give Britain's treason laws the biggest shakeup since 1695 to counter the threat from Russia and China

• Boris Johnson to introduce a new Treason Act in the wake of the {UK}Russia report

• The package of support for security services will bring the UK in line with allies

• Sources say PM wants the new measures on the statute books ‘within months'