We The People don’t get to know.
Q won’t tell us.
Too busy sucking FBI dick.
A lot of dicks.
We The People don’t get to know.
Q won’t tell us.
Too busy sucking FBI dick.
A lot of dicks.
Just democrat women. WGAF?
What would 99% of FBI agents do to someone who used force to stop the murder of an innocent American baby at the Satanic PP?
What percent% of FBI dick can Q swallow?
Answer: 99%
Satanism became legal For the first time upon the ratification of the Constitution of the United States.
Correct me if I am mistaken.
Too busy sucking 99%
Who all wants to join an organization which protects Satanic Baby Killing Factories, burns people alive in churches and shoots unarmed women in their FUCKING FACE while standing on their porch?
Who wants to suck the dicks of this organization?
Answer: Q
Time to defund the FBI?
While they are begging for it?
Or is Q finished sucking their FUCKING COCKS?