>>10084059 lb
"White Fragility, which argues that all whites are racist and any rejection of that fact is only further evidence of it".
Any rejection of that "FACT"? Oh really? It's a "FACT" uh? Yea, a liberal, progressive fact. You know, the kind of fact that has no relation to a real fact, not rooted in reality, evidence nor any other semblance of truth and honesty.
Of course, as with any libtard accusation about anything, there never needs to be an act, word spoken, attitude or any other evidence of someone being a racist. All it takes is for someone to accused you and for you to deny it. See? "You are a racist". Why? "Because I say so". Why? "Because I'm educated and intelligent enough to know". (insert vomiting)
This con sits right atop a long list of left wing, psychotic gibberish that has only one tactical purpose. To demean you, have you cower in fear, falsely admit your complicity, accept it and if you are a CEO of a corporation, cough up 10's of millions of dollars to reeducate your employees, vendors and anybody else. And finally, to shut your fucking mouth.
Well Ms. D'Angelo, you look pretty damn white to me. So even though you've made a fortune peddling your psychobabble "BULLSHIT", you ma'am and I use that term in it's most loose definition, are a RACIST!!!! Someone should ask her the question.
There is a very simple and quite effective way in dealing with people like this that on occasion I've had to resort to and that is to tell them to unequivocally, FUCK OFF!!! Followed by a "Do I give one Rat's Fucking Ass as to what you pathetic, lying, sub human, con artist, piece of fucking shit thinks? Hmm……………………No. I don't. Now, get the fuck out of my face before you get hurt. Works. Every time.