This post triggers me you racist asshole!
Patton was an Antisemitic nazi-loving fascist!
OOOh! I Wish I was close enough to WA to go "Protect those shops".
is that real?
Why would Anderson Vanderbilt have a cardboard cutout of Jean Bonet Ramsey in his office?
OH MY G-WWWWD! I can't beleive this place is filled with so much hatred!
General Patton hated Jews and you all are evil Nazis! I can't believe this is allowed in America! Oh G-d!
Yes the meth-smoking, spirit conjuring, diabolical most evil man on earth who served his country with valor and dared stand against the world banking empire while fighting the same infestation that pollutes the streets of all western nations today!
"Ry ray'siss mur'khan no rikey meee?!!!?"
Mike row is currently at 14 and moving fast!
you have to go back
every intelligence agency in the world is here