we guud
Seems fitting for today's conditions.
ID+ means you won't have to read replies to posts you don't want to see.
effen kek
Just their replies to filtered ID's though. Not all their posts in a bread.
Sometimes I post an image with no comment because I think it is cool, relevant, or maybe one that another anon wants to meme.
Did anons catch the fist bump that Barr got leaving the hearing today? It really was the cherry on top to see that. kek.
I get where you're coming from Mr.Pig. Mostly I do it for ease and speed of navigation up and down in the bread. I'm kinda OCD about going top to bottom a lot and it makes it easier for me to filter someone who is going have 30 plus useless posts of real estate for me to go around to just filter them. Especially so if they are one of easily recognizable pattern repeat posters at the top of the bread. I take care of it there. Before it becomes a problem for me. That said. I recognize that everyone's needs and limitations are different. Mine are a bit unique, most likely.
o7 Boss!
Well. We have a subject of discussion now thanks to Q.
>>10110207 Indeed it is Q. Indeed it is. Thank you.
Fist bump. kek o7