Techno Fog diving into these Maxwell docs.
Techno Fog diving into these Maxwell docs.
Do you think Dems are so depraved that they would promote and encourage “peaceful protests” as a covid delivery mechanism? Insert known positive agitators/BLM/Antifa and allow the virus to spread?
I’m getting that feeling again.
James Comey is either a white hat or gray hat.
Converted long time ago.
Comey was FBI Director when Epstein accusers went to FBI.
Isn’t it POSSIBLE that Comey has a big hand in all of this?
Remember he had an anonymous twitter account?
And everything he does is super cryptic.
Q says this has been years in the making.
How would they pull that off without the director of the FBI.
“No reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case”
Because Loretta Lynch gave him the order?
There’s already conflicting testimony between them re: “grossly negligent” language.
Comey monitors FISA abuse.
Signs off on it even.
It’s either that or he REALLY is a stupid mother fucker.
It’s one or the other.
Also, simply by asking maybe who knows just throwing it out there, but maybe we should delay the election, the Left is lefting about ensuring the election happens on 11.3.
Ok so then why did he trigger SC after leaking classified info to his Columbia law friend?
How long has this been planned?