>Go to corp gov and bitch like a Karen on tweak?
Go ultra-mega Karen, 628d2d, stand proud and do the “broken record” tactic until you speak to someone who can make things happen. Get on twitter and raise hell. Stream or record everything. Tell them you’re going to do this first. Write to local papers and local websites, and place flyers in your block, and tell them first you will NOT rest. Tell them you’re going to do this twice a week until you get a clear answer. I worked in customer service and the squeaky wheels always get the oil, moreso if the noise could be heard by higher levels.
“Karen” is only a bad thing until you realise the opposite is a lifetime of being cowed by the random uncaring incompetence of every working person you meet, of letting their moment’s inattention or casual malice have lasting permanent damage your life and the future of your coutry. Wrap that infinity scarf, iron those jeans, and go into the battle for your rights. Think what Patriots of the past went through to get us here, a few bad names in the staff room or online mean nothing.