Anonymous ID: 7cfb83 July 31, 2020, 2:47 p.m. No.10142464   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The word for addicted media consumers is: credulous

(ready to believe especially on slight or uncertain evidence)


In order to immerse in a simulated reality, such as watching a play or a movie or a news show, a psychological trance must be induced, which has been labeled, “the suspension of disbelief”.


The body must be tricked into actively ignoring the sense clues that the experience is NOT real, in order for the emotions to passively track the unreality as if it were actual reality.


After practicing this mental disconnect for years consuming media, the media believer’s ability to detect lies and bullshit atrophies from disuse and continual suppression.


This makes the manipulation of media believers by unscrupulous media corporations laughably easy, even easier than selling religious stories to less media savvy populace of the past!


The science of suggestibility, espoused by Edward Bernays, the father of modern “public relations” has been refined by endless experiments and huge data sets, to sell products, services and pandemics to the mass mind, with little push back by their mind’s critical faculties.


Add constant electronic media saturation by industrial strength media Matrix?


And here we are.


Brave New World?

Battle for the Mind?

War against the human spirit?


Corruption Fighting Exposure to the light of human awareness by any means necessary?