Anonymous ID: 4b043b July 31, 2020, 10:28 p.m. No.10146532   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Infiltration Alert

Infiltration Alert

Infiltration Alert

Infiltration Alert

Infiltration Alert

Infiltration Alert

>>10134839 (PB) Q just warned us about infiltration

Q I know your busy but you should say something about this


Q is teaching us to read symbolism. Q says what about symbolism?


This new "pro HCQ" doctors group uses the Phallus of Baphomet as their symbol. I noticed this symbol (after following Q) is often used as the medical symbol by organizations because I guess people are too stupid to know the difference.


The medical symbol is based on the story of Moses lifting the snake made of pulp on a stick and when the Israelites saw the snake they were healed from the bites of the snakes that Satan sent to kill them.

It is one snake on a stick and it is actually on this page in the noteables for the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons

>>10143977 (PB)


>>9601117 (PB)


Now we have a brand new group of doctors bursting on to the scene to be "leaders" of the populist movement


The two most noteworthy are a white female and black female doctor, both of whom have Jewish names. Who put this group together. Who is paying for their websites? The Overt censorship is highly reminiscent of the Alex Jones formula.


I hope this has already been posted, but I don't see it. We should be posting this kind of thing for the next two weeks. Q tells us to follow the symbols. I have been with Q since the beginning, I sincerely hope I was not the first to notice and point this out. If not I am pretty sure we are all doomed.


Guys we have to do better. They will always try to infiltrate. We need to be letting them know we see them immediately. That the minute this group starts promoting an unnecessary vaccine, we've already told everyone that they are infiltrators.


Q can't do it all, but I would like confirmation.

Anonymous ID: 4b043b July 31, 2020, 11:08 p.m. No.10146736   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6743


Why, because that is exactly what they want?


(((They))) were coming out of law school as children of the "holocaust" survivors right when the black and general over incarceration problem magically starts, that Trump has just now started dealing with. And they get to play the victim because this guy shouts at them. You gotta be smarter than that.

Anonymous ID: 4b043b July 31, 2020, 11:22 p.m. No.10146807   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6818 >>6822 >>6825 >>6836 >>6838


Have you been to the shooting range in the past week, month year?

Have you raised one single meal that you've eaten this year yourself?

Do you have provisions stored for a week, month, year of interruption?

Have you read your Bible from cover to cover?

Have you paid off all your high interest short term debt?

Anonymous ID: 4b043b July 31, 2020, 11:24 p.m. No.10146822   🗄️.is 🔗kun



If you have not done all this




I wonder why you are calling anyone a weak man. You certainly have not done any of the strong man stuff you are implying, or you'd be in jail getting raped by a strong man instead of playing on 8ch on a Friday night.

Anonymous ID: 4b043b July 31, 2020, 11:31 p.m. No.10146848   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6859 >>6860


You are incorrect, my friend. This guy does not know smash smash, he only knows trash trash talk on the internet.


surely you know that strong man does not call himself "a strong man" or another man a "weak man"


This may also be a Jew troll trying to inspire Q followers to pointless violence.


Let me assure the deepstaters who are watching, when we Patriots get violent, there will not be anything left of you. It won't be us gathering in front of courthouses with waterballoons trying to start a fire with matches.


You won't hear the reports that end your cares, and if you do, when you see actual bodies on your side turn red, you will cower in fear on your knees and face as you beg to be spared.