Anonymous ID: 95a166 July 31, 2020, 11:46 p.m. No.10146918   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>10144337 (PB)


Guiffre's lawyer doesn't let her answer who gave her the records of her employment at MarALago


Yesterday there was a post showing a letter of recommendation written by Trump for a Mr. Skye Roberts, who worked as a caretaker at Mar A Lago from 2000 - 2003. Virginia Robert's father?


Virginia Roberts worked at Mar A Lago in 2000, where she met Jizz, according to this deposition.


Ties in nicely to the rumor, which I haven't seen corroborated, that Trump banned Epstein from Mar A Lago for hitting on younger females. Wonder if that rumor was about Roberts. That would make a lot of sense if her father worked there.


Roberts said she originally thought she started at Mar A Lago in 1999, but it wasn't until 2015 that she finally found out it was actually 2000 when she started.


Her lawyer not allowing Roberts to answer who gave her the correct information about her employment dates in 2015 could very well be because Mar A Lago gave her that information. That would make the most sense, to me.


So, if that is correct, in 2015 we have Trump becoming a presidential candidate and Roberts seeking employment records from Mar A Lago.


Did Roberts know she would have covering fire this go around?


Something tells me